Hi Andy & BThal friends
I did write in earlier and got my queries answered. Thank you so much.
The facts
I am a Beta thal minor diagonosed in 1986
HbA2 was 4.4%
HbF was 4.9%
Haemoglobin Electrophoresis = Hb AA pattern
2) I am 52 now and perimenopausal
3) My blood work done this month and end July after a prolonged 12 day extremely painful episode of menstrual bleeding due to fibroids are as follows...
The bleeding was slightly more than my usual menstrual cycle but the pain was excruciating.
Hb 7.1
Haematocrit 22.2
RBC count 3.38
MCV 65.7
MCH 19.2
MCHC 29.3
Platelet count 150,000
4) My normal Hb levels over the past 7-8 years or more has been in the range of 7+ meaning,7.3 etc always 7 something.
5) Serum iron - 68.50
Total Serum iron 216.40
Percentage Saturation 31.60
Soluble transferrin receptor (sTFR) 8.29
Vit b 12 310
Ferritin serum 49.3
6) Mean platelet volume - 12.0
Red cell distribution width 22.6
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 31.3
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin 19.8
Mean corpuscular volume 63.4
Creatinine serum 0.38
Erythropoietin serum 167
bilirubin total 1.91
Bilirubin direct 0.43
lactate dehydrogenase 338
7) I have undergone loads of tests like Coomb's, ANA, DSDNA,HIV antibodies, Hepatitis B, HCV abs serum and other prothrombin tests, clotting factors, Lupus,ptt and mixing studies, DRVV screen time plasma, Lupus anticoagulant....
I have been advised a myomectomy ( surgical removal of fibroid) or hysterectomy if fibroid removal is not successful.
Due to my low hb status the haematologist has prescribed an erythropoetin injection 10,000 IU twice. Once a week for 2 weeks.
After which hopefully my hb will be around 9 and I will be able to go through this hysterescopic procedure.
I am currently on a progesterone tablets until the day of my surgery - Crina NC 10mg
Folic acid 5mg
B100 as Andy suggests
and Vit C 500
Q 1)My queries this time are from thal friends, Andy & empathizers as to what should be my next step...
Q 2)What does this AA pattern mean in terms of supplements and helping me live in optimal health
Q 3)Progesterone Crina NC 10mg taken continuously for over a month - is that ok for me ?
Q 4)Will erythropoietin injection be a good and safe substitute for a transfusion? FYI I have had transfusion before during my pregnancy and again before an endometrial ablation
Q 5) Will iron supplementation help me ?
I have a follow up appointment with my haematologist tomorrow and by day after thats the 12th Aug I will start my erythropoietin injections.
Any help, advise, information that aids my decision making I will be very grateful for.
Wish you all good health and a great life.