HbH and exercise

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HbH and exercise
« on: November 16, 2011, 08:49:02 PM »
hi all, Just feeling a little frustrated here. I have been trying really hard to get in shape and have started swimming again in an attempt to get back into shape. I have been going at it for about 3 weeks, 3x a week - for about an hour...

Here is my problem: I am starting to see results and really want to continue but everytime I think about going out for a swim. I want to cry. I am so exhausted and have no energy. The thought of exercise is just too much! My body aches and all I want to do is sleep. Thankfully I have been on Vacation for the last week, so this has not impeded my life, but I am going back tomorrow...

Just wondering if anyone else feel like this after exercising and if they continue through the exhaustion....

Thanks for any info


Offline Bobby

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Re: HbH and exercise
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2011, 03:32:44 AM »
I feel your pain. I have been working out for 6 weeks now 5 days a week 1 hour a day. Weights 3 days and cardio 2 days. I go during lunch so the first half of the day is ok, I eat a lot and sit. At lunch I go to the gym and about an hour or two later I'm struggling to stay awake. Mornings are tough. A lot of muscle soreness and I'm useless on the weekends, but I love working out. I go with a co-worker so the motivation is there and we push each other. I have seen a 8lb weight gain in the 6 weeks, looking for about 15 more, but it hard and expensive. My metabolism is through the roof, I'm tired of eating.

I don't know if you've tried them or not, but an energy drink does wonders for me. Kinda gets me over that pre workout slump.

Good luck!!!

Re: HbH and exercise
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2011, 06:41:29 PM »
Thanks Bobby.

Its nice to know I am not the only one out there that has troubles with physical activity. I have to admit I am not a fan of energy drinks as they "bring me up too high".

I gave the swimming a break for the last week, but am planning to keep it up. The break did me some good i think... Im feeling ready to start again :D



Offline Reen

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Re: HbH and exercise
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2011, 06:26:08 AM »
i know how do you feel because i feel the same too whenever i do extra works. eventhough i do gardening at home... i can still easily feel very exausted. sometimes walking along the jogging track can also make me feel tired. :-) very funny but that's what i always feel

that is why i don't like doing physical activities because it doesn't make any difference to me. physically look like a healthy person but internally...i don't. i just do what i can do. i won't force myself to explore something that can make me feel tired.

so, thalgal... just give a break if you don't feel good.


Re: HbH and exercise
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2016, 01:39:31 PM »
This is also a big issue for me. I feel like I have spent my whole life trying to get fit, and it is like pushing the boulder up the hill...

This morning before my muesli I drank an organic celery and carrot juice with wheatgrass. Felt it pulsing through me, off to the pool for a swimming class, which went pretty well. Came home and could feel energy starting to dip, had another juice but didn't feel any better. Energy started to plummet, needed to eat quickly, had a fry up of vege sausages, baked beans and scrambled eggs (yes, I am in England!) - not very healthy but saved me from feeling like I was going to crash. Energy still low after this. Now drinking barley coffee substitute and waiting for energy to come back so I can pursue work etc.

Happens to me almost every time I swim or pursue any vigorous activity. What can we do, apart from persevere?


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: HbH and exercise
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2016, 05:07:20 PM »
Continue to take your juices, especially wheatgrass. The effects are cumulative over time. I would also suggest that you take L-methylfolate daily, if you don't already. 2-5 mg minimum daily. And, has your vitamin D level been checked? It's tough to get adequate D in northern climates and thal minors should strive for a level above 40. A sublingual B-12 supplement can also help with energy. Minors should try to get to the high end of normal for B-12.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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