Confused of my daughter's cbc results

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Confused of my daughter's cbc results
« on: October 19, 2016, 12:15:37 PM »

I'm new to the group and just learned my daughter has thalassemia when we had her blood checked when she recently had fever last week.

These are her CBC results:
HB = 86
Hematocrit = 0.27
RBC = 4.84
MCH = 18
MCHC = 0.31
MCV = 57
RDW 19.9

When she had this CBC there was an active infection and she was having fever. Initially the doctors mentioned it was Iron deficiency anemia but when we went to a hematologist he is suspecting thalassemia.

Seeing that the Mentzer index is less than 13 but the RDW is high, is it possible, this is a combination of IDA and thalassemia?

We're starting my daughter on iron now and will repeat the CBC after two weeks.

Questions are, based on her values, does it look like it is thal minor? I would appreciate any inputs.

In May, earlier this year, when she also had roseola her HB dropped to 79 but without any intervention it's 86 when it was last checked. Is that worth noting?

She is also an active baby, not behind on motor skills, and is gaining weight really well. She just takes frequent naps during daytime.

Also, after her recent illness, when I check on her eyelids, it's noticeably paler. How long does it take for thals to bounce back to regaining their HB after an illness?

My questions are all over the place, sorry about that but I appreciate any thoughts.

By the way, I'm glad I came across this site. I've been reading posts since yesterday and they are very insightful.

Looking forward to your replies! Thank you.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2018, 10:10:31 AM by ikasmom »


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