Hi to everyone!

As some of you know, I deal with chronic depression as a result of what seems to be bipolar disorder.
BPD has it's cycles and they go up and down and everywhere in between, though thankfully, not too severely.
When I first signed up for this forum, I was feeling stable and 'fine', but over the past week or so, my moods have been fluctuating and when my moods fluctuate, I have a tendency to draw away from people and pull into myself for periods of time until things stabilize a bit.
Partly from exhaustion (depression), partly from not feeling terribly coherent (depression or hypomania), partly from heightened emotions (depression or hypomania), and partly from a desire to spare people from my episodes.
Because of these things, I sort of poofed from my online activities and I wanted to alert everyone here about this as a head's up.

I mean no offense or disrespect if I suddenly don't post a response for a few days; I simply wish to post when I am more able to communicate in the way that I would like to.
So yeah.
I'm still around and will be around!
I just might have episodic disappearances now and again.