Thal + thal = thal. Would you?

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Offline Eponine

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Thal + thal = thal. Would you?
« on: November 26, 2006, 07:36:53 PM »
Was having a conversation with another thal and this topic arose. I would like to know how many of you thals would have a child with another thal. For sure the child would be a thal as well, so would you go through with it?


Offline Christine Mary

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Re: Thal + thal = thal. Would you?
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2006, 07:46:29 PM »
Hi Eponine,

My husband and I are both thal minor and knew this prior to getting pregnant. I know your question is directed at majors, but I think I fit in this category.
I knew our odds of having a thal (We went to a genetic counselor,we researched etc...). To be honest, it's not that I thought "it couldnt happen to me", but I wanted a child with my husband so badly, that we decided what ever GOD had in store for us, we would accept it.(Easy for me to say now,.....I was devestated when i first found out.) I still have my moments.

My OBGYN offered us a cvs test when I was 12 weeks pregnant, to see if Lauryn was thal, and I declined. I declined, b/c I knew if she was thal, I wouldnt get an abortion anyway, so why did I need to know during my pregnancy? So I can stress out and risk harm to her and myself? ( I already had extremely high blood pressure, and pre-term contractions.)
Anyway, to answer your question,  we did plan Lauryn and wanted her so badly regarless. She was concieved out of pure LOVE, and she will always be reminded of that.

I would do it all over again.(with Lauryn I mean)  :wink LOL No more kids for me!!!!!!!!!

Lauryn's Mom


Offline Eponine

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Re: Thal + thal = thal. Would you?
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2006, 07:57:20 PM »
sigh... yes i thought of that too. I mean, i argued with my friend that if I was brought to this world a thal, why can't my child? But he made me see that I might not be able to live with the guilt and pain of seeing my child hurting. I know I have been thru that and really not sure if I can see my loved one going thru it.
That's the difference between our mindset. I live by "meaningful life thru effective management" but his is "stamp out thal" which hurts a little cos if they were to stamp out thal, I would not be here. I would not be what I am.


Offline Manal

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Re: Thal + thal = thal. Would you?
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2006, 10:55:01 PM »
Hi Eponine

If my husband and me knew that we are carriers, we could have gone through IVF and PGD.



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Re: Thal + thal = thal. Would you?
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2006, 08:42:16 AM »
    As for me, I'd go for a child as long as he/she is not Major.

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Offline Eponine

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Re: Thal + thal = thal. Would you?
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2006, 05:58:39 PM »
I was thinking of a thal maj with another thal maj. Would you then have children?


Offline §ãJ¡Ð ساجد

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Re: Thal + thal = thal. Would you?
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2006, 06:42:22 AM »
Oh, I see. My bad! :biggrin

In that case I wouldn't marry a Thal major in the first place :)

Take care, Peace!
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Offline Christine Mary

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Re: Thal + thal = thal. Would you?
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2006, 07:21:14 AM »
hi Sajid,

Thats an interesting point. I believe you cannot help who you fall in love with. What happens if your soul mate was a major? Would you adopt, or abandon the whole situation completley?

Lauryn's Mom


Offline §ãJ¡Ð ساجد

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Re: Thal + thal = thal. Would you?
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2006, 12:13:57 PM »
Hi Christine!

When love is involved, then it is totally a different ball game. The heart takes over mind and feelings over reasoning.

If my sweetheart is Thal major, then I guess I will go with whatever she decides and recommend adoption as my opinion.

Take care, Peace!
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Offline Christine Mary

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Re: Thal + thal = thal. Would you?
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2006, 03:24:27 PM »

Lauryn's Mom


Offline Eponine

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Re: Thal + thal = thal. Would you?
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2006, 06:14:33 AM »
Really?? None of you would have children if both are majors? Is there anyone here who is a major and married a major and had children or knows of anyone?

The rest, what are your opinions?


Offline Lilian

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Re: Thal + thal = thal. Would you?
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2008, 09:05:27 AM »
My two cents:

scenerio 1
the love of my life is thal major --> i won't reject him, but i won't have his kid. i'll adopt.
no way no how will i bring into the world a child whom i know will 100% be thal major.
BUT BUT!!! the statement is only valid when i'm not pregnant. If somehow (and i really dunno how.... contraceptions fail?? LOL), i find myself pregnant with a thal major, i won't abort. never.

scenerio 2
the love of my life is thal minor or normal -->i'll go for gene therapy to make sure my kid won't be a major.

i am open to having minor kids tho..... i've joked that if i want kids next time, i'll get my sister (who's normal) to be a surrogate mum for my kid. cos i can't do it myself. i've hep c.

oh, while i'm on this topic, i remember a crazy situation i encountered last year.
i was seeing a hema in Malaysia, and she asked me, "so, was it from your mum or your dad that you inherited thal major??" :rotfl  :rotfl
where did she graduate from: The University of Jokers??

« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 09:21:43 AM by pastel_lilian »
~ I was put on earth to kick some ass!


Offline cherieann

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Re: Thal + thal = thal. Would you?
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2008, 09:06:12 AM »
Your question reminds me of a specialist who said to me " you wouldn't wish Thalassaemia on any child of yours, would you?"
My answer to him was "Yes I would!"
No I would never want to see my child in pain but..Thalassaemia is not a bad thing.
If making me a stronger, well rounded person who can show compassion & humility then Thalassaemia is okay for me.
My husband and I had this conversation after my output and I still feel who better for your child to go through this with? than you. Lead by example and your children will follow your example.
My adopted dad had medical issues and he showed me it was ok to feel, but you still get on with life. I feel that I am very much like him where I will always say there's nothing wrong with me I'm normal and I'm me!
Thalassaemia is a lifestyle not a burden.

need your advice
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2010, 03:04:47 PM »
hii mudz from malaysia.i read many outstanding thread by you here.its really amazing and i think cant be write by ordinary people.atcually i got several question and hope u can answer for me..:
1)im doing thal test and doc said i have it alpha or beta thal carrier?im really confused.
2)my wife have alpha thal trait.what are chance our baby got thal major?\we go to genetic counceling and doc said its only 1% we got major thal baby.
3)my baby(30days old) hb rate drop from 13(2nd day after delivered) to 8(3day ago).is it a sign of thal major?
4)my baby have prolonged jaundice until bilirubin only 111 but direct bilirubin is 74% of it a symthom of thal?
 i read in this site that thal major symptom only occor after 3month of it true?

im really need your in malaysia few support group to get opinion..tq


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Thal + thal = thal. Would you?
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2010, 03:31:46 PM »
Hi mudz 83,

Do you have the results of a hemoglobin electrophoresis for the baby? This would be necessary to make any judgment of what the baby's status is. I am looking for values for HbA, HbA2, HbF and HbE.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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