I am a Male, 42 from India. I was first diagnosed in June 1994 with Beta Thalassemia Intermedia by a hematologist in India. That time I was advised to take only 5mg folic acid tablet per day and nothing else. All siblings and parents were tested and all were thalassemia minor trait.
From 1994 I regularly took folic acid and then occassionally and then very sporadically kept on taking it.
Other health findings in my body by year:
Year 2006 - Gallstones detected
Year 2007 - treated for Lymph Node TB for first 6 months (this was my worst time)
Stomach burning, uncomfortable liver and breathing problems continued. Folic acid continue all 2007 to keep RBCs awake.
Late 2007 I moved to the USA carrying severe problems in me.
Late 2007 - diagnosed hypothyroidism
Late 2007 - diagnosed pernicious anemia
A Levothyroxine and B12 shot (Cyanacobalamin 1000 mcg) was started.
Stomach burns continued and a wrong diagnosis of GERD kept on. Prevacid did not help not did Pantoprazole.
USA diagnosed me with beta thalassemia minor but symptoms of those like intermedia.
Finally a Indian-American doctor conducted a endoscopy and diagnosed H Pylori Late 2008 in USA.
The H Pylori treatment also was heavy for 14 days.
By this time I was not taking daily folic acid but took only B12 shots.
Excessive B12 shots (first 6 weeks and then 11 months) caused my kidneys to get overloaded and have some red acne on my back.
The USA doctors decided to curtail B12 1000 mcg dose to once per quarter with Levothyroxine reaching 88mcg.
My best time on health had begun in 2009-2010 in USA. Folic acid was sproadically taken.
Vit D deficiency was diagnosed and I corrected it with 2000 IU per day gel caps.
Peripheral neuropathy was diagnosed in 2010 as I had numbness on palms. The culprit was suppose to be Isoniazid and Rifampin.
I returned back to India for good in 2012.
For 2013 I took some just four B12 cynacobalamin 500 mcg shots.
For 2014 I took some two shots. Then stopped because of a churlish reason that 'enough is enough and these shots pain'
I also did not take folic acid in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and had forgotten that I must take it occassionally.
I had high Uric acid levels that was left untreated by doctors. (7.49, 8.1, 8.4 levels)
Diagnosed of Angioedema in 2016-2017 allergy due to certain foods like guava, spinach and cauliflower and taro leafs.
Early 2017 (Jan) I started falling ill with shortness of breath, heavy feeling in abdomen, liver, lack of apetite, stiff body.
Feb-2017 was my worst month of frailing health I just could not breathe normally.
A detailed blood test CBC, LFT, Kidney and Urine analysis was done.
i) RBC count low, WBC high, high liver enzymes and high uric acid.
A gastroenterologist was consulted recently.
He asked to me again start Folic Acid and B12, in return he gave some Probiotics. Avil was started to adjust Angioedema
Again tests were conducted.
ii) RBC count up, WBC marginally up, liver enzymes same, TIBC, Iron and Ferritin all normal. (I drink moderate tea)
A febuxostat 40 mg has also been started daily to cure high uric acid.
I also started taking Pyridoxine Hydrochloride 20mg tablet to improve my nerve functions this week. I will stop this after 1 or 2 months.
I still have some combo B12-B9-B3 shots to be taken in coming 4 weeks.
Does B3 in the shots could cause high uric acid in my body? Niacin is good for body but?

a) How to get rid of High Uric acid permanantly? Is thalassemia root cause of high uric acid?
b) Should Cyanacobalamin shots be taken or should I go for Methylcobalamin B12?
c) Should my quarterly shots be a combination of B12 + B9 + B6 or should I take only pure B12 or take B12 + B9?
d) Suggest something for healthy liver. High SGPT(38) High SGOT(43) with high indirect bilirubin of 5.76 is discomfort for me.
e) Should folic acid, B6 be required for a thal patient to be healthy?
f) Is my angioedema facial swelling related to Gilbert's Syndrome or Nephrotic Syndrome?
g) My lowest low of health is everyday after 4PM and remains low till 10PM.
h) Metabolism is very very poor.
Please help with your comments. Its complicated. Sorry for unstructured writing yet I gave all info that I recollect from 23 years.