A mom looking for some advice

  • 1 Replies
A mom looking for some advice
« on: March 20, 2017, 03:15:24 PM »
Hey! I'm Tiffany and I don't personally have Thalassemia. My husband was recently diagnosed (even though we assumed he had it) and both my boys (8 and 6 years old) were diagnosed when they were about 2 at their iron screening. The pediatrician really didn't make a big deal out of it, and I knew nothing about Thalassemia (I'm still not very knowledgeable), so I didn't think much of it. Both my mother in law and step mom have it and it doesn't effect their every day life. My 6 year old, Jonah, has always been on the smaller side (but so is my husband), and has kind of been my "sick kid". I figured the Thalassemia probably just made his immune system weaker. He suffered from febrile seizures as a toddler and has had his fair share of ear infections and strep throat. In the past 4 months, he's had a pretty nasty ear infection, a stomach bug, a sinus infection, a virus that gave him 102 degree fever for a few days and he is once again running a 102 degree fever. He's pale and can be aggressive and irritable. I usually chalked it up to his character or a lack of sleep (he doesn't always sleep soundly through the night, despite seeming tired a lot). I've been doing some research into Thalassemia, and am looking for some advice. We were never given a specific of which type of Thalassemia my boys were diagnosed with. Now I'm curious if maybe there is more to Jonah's diagnosis that I first thought. Am I being paranoid? Is it typical for him to just have a weakened immune system? Or should I be looking further into this? Aside from making an appointment with his doctor, I'm not sure how to proceed,  if I even should. Any advice and suggestions would be helpful! Thank you!


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Re: A mom looking for some advice
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2017, 01:26:21 AM »
Hi Tiffany
I advise you to go to a hematologist to know exactly if your kids are just thalassemia carriers or intermedia. Doing blood electrophoresis test or HPLC test are blood tests that can tell you if they are carriers or not.



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