Does anyone know whether there are any more common comorbidities in people with thalassemia minor? I'm only in my mid-20's, but I'm already having a lot of problems that seem to be uncommon at my age and also do not run in my family - neither my close one nor my extended one.
These include:
- very pale skin
- very thin skin
- large strech marks around my body (after a car crash and during the following check-up, I once even got asked by a paramedic if I used to be a lot fatter and that was never the case really...)
- chronic fatigue
- gynecomastia (already removed once, but the mamillae somehow got bigger and more puffy again)
- according to my proctologist, I have a pelvic floor weakness and also inner rectal prolapse (I read those things are a lot more common in women who already gave birth at least once or older people.)
I'm extremely depressed about these things because it is not common in my family at all. Especially some things like the proctological issues result in a lot of comments from strangers that make me even more depressed. I mean, I was used to the fatigue, but now I feel my body does not work like it should more and more and I'm losing my connection because it's making me feel very depressed...
Is there anything I could do? Would a hormone check make sense? What could be tested?
Guys, please list everything that could make sense!
I just want to function enough to function properly again during the day and to do the things I love and be with the people I like...:/