sickel cell and beta thalasemia can use wheat grass?

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sickel cell and beta thalasemia can use wheat grass?
« on: May 16, 2017, 05:40:15 AM »
My son is 20 months and is beta thal and sickle cell .he has
 taken hydroxyurea and folic acid plus lots of vitamins last 8 months.
He is currently doing fine and much active. We have yet to find out the effects
Of HU on her hb which is 8 to 9 last one year consistently.

But my question is can he should be taken wheat grass? .
HBF was 35.7 % and HBA was at 17.3 % HB S 42.9 and HB A2 4.1 % and no any blood transfusion ever.


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