I'm like to thanks Andy to approved me to joined. My name is Deric, Chinese. I do blood test showing my Hb is low and doctor advise me to do Thalassemia studies. I got the result few ago, I'm Alpha thalassaemia trait. I'm 35 years old before that i don't know i got thalassaemia carrier.
ESR (Westergren) 2
Total RBC 5.8 x10^12 /L (M 4.5-6.0 F 4.0-5.5)
Haemoglobin (Hb) 125 gm/L (M 125-175 F 115-155)
Haematocrit(PCV) 0.40 L (M 0.40-0.50 F 0.37-0.45)
MCV 69 fl (82-98)
MCH 21 pg (27-33)
MCHC 310 g/L (310 - 350)
RDW 16.1 % (11.0 - 16.0)
Total WBC 5.4 x10^9 /L (4-11)
Differential Count
Polymorphs 56 % (50 - 70)
Lymphocytes 36 % (20 - 40)
Monocytes 5 % < 10
Eosinophils 3 % < 4
Basophils 0 % (Less than 1)
Absolute Count
Polymorphs 3.0 x10^9/L (2.0 - 7.5)
Lymphocytes 1.9 x10^9/L (1.0 - 4.0)
Monocytes 0.3 x10^9/L < 1.0
Eosinophils 0.16 x10^9/L < 0.6
Basophils 0.00 x10^9/L < 0.1
ESR (Westergren) 2 mm/hr (M 0-15 F 1-20)
Platelet count 312 x10^9 /L (150-400)
Total Protein 77 g/L (64-83)
Albumin 48 g/L (35-52)
Globulin 29 g/L (21-40)
A/G Ratio 1.7 (1.0-2.2)
Total Bilirubin 17.1 umol/L (3.4-20.5 umol/L)
(Less than 171.0-NB)
SGOT/AST 23 U/L (5-34)
SGPT/ALT 21 U/L (0-55)
Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase(GGT) 35 U/L (M 12-64; F 9-36)
Alkaline Phosphatase 54 U/L (1-12years old< 500
M> 20years F> 15years:40-150
M 12-15 years< 750)
Serum Iron: 96 ug/dl
Percentage: Iron Saturation 30 % (M: 20-50%)
Serum TIBC: 321 ug/dl
Serum Ferritin: 365.7 ng/mL
Transferin: 221 mg/dL
Haemoglobin Electrophoresis Pattern
Cellulose acetate pH 8.6:
No significant abnormality in intensity in seen at the A, A2 and F regions. No overt variant haemoglobin bands are noted
Quantitation of haemoglobins
Hb A2 (*) 2.1% Normal Range (2.1-3.7%)
Hb A (*) 97.9 % Normal Range (96.8-97.9%)
Hb F (*) <1.0 % Normal Range (less than 1.0%)
Peripheral Blood Film
Red blood cell morphology: Hb is within normal limit. Hypochromic crenated cells seen.
Haemoglobin concentration : 12.5g/dl
H inclusions: Occasional