Alpha Thalassemia trait. test result and advice.

  • 4 Replies
Alpha Thalassemia trait. test result and advice.
« on: June 15, 2017, 03:03:02 PM »
I'm like to thanks Andy to approved me to joined. My name is Deric, Chinese. I do blood test showing my Hb is low and doctor advise me to do Thalassemia studies. I got the result few ago, I'm Alpha thalassaemia trait. I'm 35 years old before that i don't know i got thalassaemia carrier.


ESR (Westergren) 2
Total RBC 5.8 x10^12 /L (M 4.5-6.0 F 4.0-5.5)
Haemoglobin (Hb) 125 gm/L (M 125-175 F 115-155)
Haematocrit(PCV) 0.40 L (M 0.40-0.50 F 0.37-0.45)
MCV 69 fl (82-98)
MCH 21 pg (27-33)
MCHC 310 g/L (310 - 350)
RDW 16.1 % (11.0 - 16.0)
Total WBC 5.4 x10^9 /L (4-11)

Differential Count
Polymorphs 56 % (50 - 70)
Lymphocytes 36 % (20 - 40)
Monocytes 5 % < 10
Eosinophils 3 % < 4
Basophils 0 % (Less than 1)

Absolute Count
Polymorphs 3.0 x10^9/L (2.0 - 7.5)
Lymphocytes 1.9 x10^9/L (1.0 - 4.0)
Monocytes 0.3 x10^9/L < 1.0
Eosinophils 0.16 x10^9/L < 0.6
Basophils 0.00 x10^9/L < 0.1
ESR (Westergren) 2 mm/hr (M 0-15 F 1-20)
Platelet count 312 x10^9 /L (150-400)

Total Protein 77 g/L (64-83)
Albumin 48 g/L (35-52)
Globulin 29 g/L (21-40)
A/G Ratio 1.7 (1.0-2.2)
Total Bilirubin 17.1 umol/L (3.4-20.5 umol/L)
(Less than 171.0-NB)
SGOT/AST 23 U/L (5-34)
SGPT/ALT 21 U/L (0-55)
Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase(GGT) 35 U/L (M 12-64; F 9-36)
Alkaline Phosphatase 54 U/L (1-12years old< 500
M> 20years F> 15years:40-150
M 12-15 years< 750)


Serum Iron: 96 ug/dl
Percentage: Iron Saturation 30 % (M: 20-50%)
Serum TIBC: 321 ug/dl
Serum Ferritin: 365.7 ng/mL
Transferin: 221 mg/dL

Haemoglobin Electrophoresis Pattern

Cellulose acetate pH 8.6:
No significant abnormality in intensity in seen at the A, A2 and F regions. No overt variant haemoglobin bands are noted

Quantitation of haemoglobins

Hb A2 (*) 2.1%   Normal Range (2.1-3.7%)
Hb A (*) 97.9 %  Normal Range (96.8-97.9%)
Hb F (*) <1.0 %  Normal Range (less than 1.0%)

Peripheral Blood Film

Red blood cell morphology: Hb is within normal limit. Hypochromic crenated cells seen.

Haemoglobin concentration : 12.5g/dl
H inclusions: Occasional 
« Last Edit: June 15, 2017, 03:14:33 PM by unknownnames »

Re: Alpha Thalassemia trait. test result and advice.
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2017, 03:06:09 PM »
The supplement intake

1) Vitamin C 500g
2) Multi-Vitamin with Iron (from ferrous sulphate 16mg) 5mg
3) Omega Fish Oil
4) Vitamin E
5) Probiotics

I read my result, Serum Ferritin: 365.7 ng/mL look high but i ask the general doctor and the doctor replies me " Ferrtin is higer as your red blood cells is easier to die compared to normal person. SO after the RBC died, They will release some ferritin inside your blood, so Consider is normal for you as a thalassemia carrier".

Which supplement i should stop and which supplement should i start take ? or anything i should monitor more often?


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Alpha Thalassemia trait. test result and advice.
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2017, 04:52:19 PM »

Switch to a multivitamin without iron. Your iron numbers show high ferritin and normal serum iron. Alpha minors should not take iron at all, unless iron deficiency is present, as iron can build up in the body. Long term iron supplements can damage the organs if not needed.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Alpha Thalassemia trait. test result and advice.
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2017, 06:50:15 AM »

Switch to a multivitamin without iron. Your iron numbers show high ferritin and normal serum iron. Alpha minors should not take iron at all, unless iron deficiency is present, as iron can build up in the body. Long term iron supplements can damage the organs if not needed.

Thanks. I would like to ask,

1. Serum Ferritin: 365.7 ng/mL (Normal Range 21.81-274.66 ng/ML). It's consider normal for A Thala. Trait.? Or should i take any supplement to reduce?
2. I'll stop taking multivitamin with iron this week, but i can't find multivitamin without iron in my country. The picture ingrendients supplement i intake now.
3. Got any supplement i recommend to take?

Vitamin C ingrendients

Vitamin E ingrendients

B ingrendients

Omega 3




Offline Andy Battaglia

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  • Will thal rule you or will you rule thal?
Re: Alpha Thalassemia trait. test result and advice.
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2017, 12:36:51 AM »
Most alpha thal minors who have reported their iron numbers here have very low ferritin. I don't actually recommend multi vitamins for adults, because the doses of most are not enough to be of much value. I don't think you should be taking iron with a ferritin above 300. Your other supplements look fine. I would suggest a separate higher strength folate. Many minors take 2-5 mg daily.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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