Reticulocyte Count

  • 4 Replies

Offline Manal

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Reticulocyte Count
« on: November 29, 2006, 03:34:42 PM »

My son HB levels and ret. count were as follows

                   HB           Ret. count
July              6.4           3.9%   ( no supplements or folic, not yet diagnoised )
Aug              7              NA      ( started folic+ supplements+L-Caritine)
Sept             6.1           7.9%
Oct               6.4          5.2%
Nov              6.6           9.5%

What is the relation between both, i thought it is inversely proportional , isn't it???

I know that ret. count is considered an indication for bone deformation since it shows how the bone marrow is over producing and thus putting preasure on bones??

How long it takes for the deformation  to happen??  What is the boarder line for this ret. count after which you are sure that your bones are in danger??



Offline Christine Mary

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Re: Reticulocyte Count
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2006, 04:03:18 PM »

I was reading your posts regarding bone deformation etc... Here in the states, when to tx varies according to different doctors when hgb levels get to a certain point.
I know you said Ahmads md wont transfuse him because he is so active. I know he would most likely tx if he were here.
My point is, as hard as it is for me to say, why not just start him on the transfusions, to avoid any deformities? We are all humans, no matter where we live and I've read that deformities happen when you are in the low sevens. Not to mention sixs! Olivia (my cousin) had a 6.3 hgb when she was diagnosed, and her forehead is pertruding quite noticeably. Since she has been on hydroxy, shes been soooo much better (9.2).
Tx'ing is scary, but in my opinion, a BMT for an intermedia is too drastic a measure to take. Especially when you havent tried every other option first.


Lauryn's Mom


Offline Hallu

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Re: Reticulocyte Count
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2006, 04:18:03 PM »
My understanding on Retic count is that it is an indicator of how active the bone marrow is. If a person is anaemic then Retic count goes high as bone marrow works hard to make new RBCs.
In Thals Retic count is always very high. I don't know what is the tolerance level here and at what point, transfusions are recommended.



Offline Manal

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Re: Reticulocyte Count
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2006, 07:33:27 PM »

Thanks a lot for your reply.

 I really don't want to start transfusing unless it is the last option. You are right doctors differ, one of the doctors here recommands having tx and she does not accept a HB of less than 8.5 for children.
Though Ahmad isin the sixs, but -thanks God- nothing happened. Transfusion is not that easy for many reasons .
Probably what i will do (of course if the doctor agrees ), is to try butyrate or the hydroxyurea ( but actually prefer the butyrate ) + giving a great thought of having a baby...

You know Christine , i am investigating every possible mean but right now it is GOD will and i pray everyday that God directs me to whatever is right for Ahmad




Offline Christine Mary

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Re: Reticulocyte Count
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2006, 03:43:35 PM »
Hi Manal,

In my heart, I know whatever decision you make, it will be the best for your dear son Ahmad!  :happyyes


Lauryn's Mom


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