I m father of twin kids both 2.5 years . My son recently diagnosed thal minor with
HB level= 11.4
HB A = 88.8
HB A2= 5.6
HB F = 5.6
Interpretation : Thalassemia Minor
I have done hb electropherosis of daughter too but its confusing due to presence of Hb F and interpretition of anisocytosis and microcytic. Is my daughter report ok or she is also having thal minor ?
My daughter age 2.5 report is
Hb- 12.4
R.B.C.-- 5.16
M.C.V- 73.8
M.C.H-- 24
M.C.H.C- 32.5
Hb A. 93.5%
Hb A2. 2.8%
Hb. F 3.7%
Hb A +Hb F + Hb A2 and Peripheral Film showing
Anisocytosis, Microcytic .Cause

"Suggested Serum ferritin to rule out Iron deficiency"
Plz sir tell what tells my daughter report . Is Hb F a problem or its normal and after few years will become Hb A? Does she also have trait.
Why Hb F is there. My wife hb electropherosis report has 94.4% Hb A and 5.6% Hb A2 .No Hb F . So plz guide
The twins were born prematurey in 8 months