High Hbf level a good sign for thal minor or bad sign leading to complications

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In thalassemia minor with hbf also included  in haemoglobin a good sign . Means if there is more hbf it is benefitial or it is considered to be leading to more complications.

Like my kid age 2.5 years with thal minor has

Hb A  88 %
Hb A2 5.6%
Hb F    5.6%

Is hbf level good sign in covering his anemia and hb level or it is bad to have more hb f ??

Hbf to high level in thal minor is good or bad thin
g. Plz guide

Moreover i m giving him folic acid and vitamin b complex.

Should i give iron supplement and iron rich foods too or it will not be helpful


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