I have just had these results back and have found out I have Thalassemia minor and I was wondering if anyone could offer any advice. I would really like to do what I can naturally or through supplements to help as I am experiencing constant shortness of breathe and fatigue. I do already take magnesium, calcium, zinc, vitamin D and B complex.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (JB4292) ~ 5 - [0.00 10.00mm/h]
Plasma C reactive protein (JB4292) - 0.2 - [<5.00mg/L]
Liver function test (JB4292) -
Serum total bilirubin level - 21 - [1.00 -25.00umol/L]
Serum ALT level 15 - [1.00-50.00U/L]
Bone profile (JB4292) -
Serum calcium 2.39 .
Serum adjusted calcium conc 2-35 - [2.202.60mmol/L]
Serum inorganic phosphate 0-99 - [ 0.80 1.50mmol/L]
Serum alkaline phosphatase 55 - [30.00 130.00U/L]
Serum total protein 70 - [60-80g/L]
Serum albumin 42 - [35-50g/L]
Serum globulin 28 - [22-40g/L]
eGFRcreat (CKD-EPl)/1.73 m*2 (JB4292) Normal no action
eGFRcreat (CKD-EPl)/1.73 m*2 - >90 - [>60mL/min/1.73]
AKl warning stage NA
Urea and electrolytes (JB4292) Normal no acdon
Serum sodium 141 - [133-146mmol/L]
Serum potassium 4.1 -[3.50 -5.30mmol/L]
Serum urea level 4.7 - [2.50-780mmol/L]
Serum creatinine .73 - [20-107umol/L]
!Serum ferritin (JB4292) - 230 - [25-200ug/L]
l Full blood count ~ FBC (JB4292) ~ known b thal trait
Total white cell count - 4.2 - 3.50 - 10.0010*9/L
! Red blood cell (RBC)Icount - 5.99 - [425-5.7510*12/L]
! Haemoglobin estimation - 120 - [130-170g/L]
! Haematocrit - 0.357- [0.40-050L/L]
! Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) - 60- [84.00-98.00fL]
! Mean corpusc. haemoglobm(MCH) 20 - [27.50-32.00pg]
Mean corpusc. Hb. conc. (MCHC) -336 - [300.00-360.00g/L]
! Red blood cell distribut Width -15.9 - [<14.50%]
Platelet count - 150 - [150.00-400.0010*9/L]
Neutrophil count - 1.9 - [1.70-7.5010*9/L]
Lymphocyte count -1.8 - [1.00-3.5010*9/L]
!Monocyte count - 0.2 - [0.30-1.0010*9/L]
Eosinophil count - 0.3 - [0.4010*9/L]
Basophil count - 0 [<0.1010*9/L]