Twin kid with thal minor or one kid is normal with anisocytosis microcytic ??

  • 5 Replies
I m father of twin kids both 2.5 years . My son recently diagnosed thal minor with
HB level= 11.4

HB A = 88.8
HB A2= 5.6
HB F   = 5.6

Interpretation : Thalassemia Minor

I have done hb electropherosis of daughter too but its confusing due to presence of Hb F and interpretition of anisocytosis and microcytic. Is my daughter report ok or she is also having thal minor ?

My daughter age 2.5 report is

Hb-         12.4
R.B.C.--  5.16
M.C.V-    73.8
M.C.H--    24
M.C.H.C-  32.5

 Hb A.    93.5%
Hb A2.    2.8%
Hb. F        3.7%

 Hb A +Hb F + Hb A2 and Peripheral Film showing
Anisocytosis,  Microcytic .Cause ????
"Suggested Serum ferritin to rule out Iron deficiency"

Plz sir tell what tells my daughter report . Is Hb F a problem or its normal and after few years will become Hb A?  Does she also have trait.
Why Hb F is there. My wife hb electropherosis report has 94.4% Hb A and 5.6% Hb A2 .No Hb F . So plz guide

The twins were born prematurey in 8 months



Offline Andy Battaglia

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  • Will thal rule you or will you rule thal?
I would suggest repeating the electrophoresis test for the daughter. All of her reports, except for the HbA2, indicate thal minor. The high HbF at this age is almost always beta thal minor, but the HbA2 is not high and always is in beta minor. I would ask for a second test and if that is still inconclusive, ask for a DNA test, as you don't want to be treating for iron deficiency if it isn't present. Your wife is beta minor like your son.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

In thalassemia minor with hbf also included  in haemoglobin a good sign . Means if there is more hbf it is benefitial or it is considered to be leading to more complications.

Like my kid has

Hb A  88 %
Hb A2 5.6%
Hb F    5.6%

Is hbf level good sign in covering his anemia and hb level or it is bad to have more hb f .

Hbf to high level in thal minor is good or bad thin
g. Plz guide

Moreover i m giving him folic acid and vitamin b complex.

Should i give iron supplement and iron rich foods too or it will not be helpful


Offline Andy Battaglia

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  • Will thal rule you or will you rule thal?
In many thal minors, the gene that produces HbF stays active to help compensate for the lower HbA. This is good and adds to the total hemoglobin level. Some people are able to raise the total HbF by using wheatgrass and folate together, which raises the Hb. Both folate and B complex can help. Iron should never be taken unless a full iron panel shows iron deficiency is present. The ferritin level by itself should not be used to determine deficiency. Iron rich foods are okay for minors.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Hb level is 11.1

serum iron level  103
Tibc  367

Serum ferritin 44.2

Should i give iron syrup.?

Moreover is there danger of spleen removal for thal minor? How to avoid it.

Should i give folic acid and b complex for whole life or stop after some duration


Offline Andy Battaglia

  • *****
  • 8793
  • Gender: Male
  • Will thal rule you or will you rule thal?
The iron level is fine. You should not give more iron. Folate, B12, magnesium and B complex are all needed to build RBC's. These nutrients are always needed. Splenectomy should not be considered..

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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