Doing great

  • 27 Replies


Re: Doing great
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2006, 07:32:28 AM »
Hi Andy.
I'm sad to say that ,Ive lost faith in doctors and I am doing it on my own.
I am tired of visiting doctors after doctors and it appears as if they are inducing my pain and illness that is because they are giving me medication that is causing me more harm than good.
I was told that I have thal minor and sickle cells traits and I shouldnt worry because it shouldnt cause me any worries at the same time I'm experiencing most of the signs and symtomps associated with this specific blood disorder.
The doctors was not interested in my childhood or family health history that is because they never asked me or show interest.they told me I will need to have genetic counselling but that was as far as it went.since then I have found out that my 26yrs old son has thal minor too.

I found folic acid and fish oil is helping my circulation that is because I have less pain than I use to have before commencing the supplement
Although ,I still take the blood pressure and cholestrol medications that is to minimise the risks of getting a srokes.
thanks for you concern.
 This is the second time I type  on this issue I think I've lost my first post if not please exuse me getting senile :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl



Re: Doing great
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2006, 07:44:04 AM »
Hello Andy.
I'm a creole, :smile :smile born in the seychelles .decendant of French ,African,Indian and I dont know what ???.I have mixed blood. :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\


Offline Christine Mary

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Re: Doing great
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2006, 04:04:10 PM »

Your picture is very beautiful!!!! :biggrin

Lauryn's Mom


Offline Manal

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Re: Doing great
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2006, 09:41:38 PM »
Kathy, i too agree with Christine. It is very nice :hug




Re: Doing great
« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2006, 03:07:47 AM »
THank-you to Manal and christine ,
Kathy :hug



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Re: Doing great
« Reply #20 on: December 17, 2006, 11:59:09 AM »
((Hi Andy.
I'm sad to say that ,Ive lost faith in doctors and I am doing it on my own.
I am tired of visiting doctors after doctors and it appears as if they are inducing my pain and illness that is because they are giving me medication that is causing me more harm than good.))
  HI Kathy
           me also i lost my faith in Dr regard my son  but not all so for this reson i start to learn my self a bout what the thalassimic child need ,,, even when i went to UK the Dr. he get surprise when i told him am a pilot not a Dr because he was wondaring how i understand almost everything for this reson Dr.Paola told me you are the Dr.for your son,, my advice is we must learn our self well to face this kind of desise ..
                                   state of kuwait


Offline jzd24

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Re: Doing great
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2006, 12:23:52 AM »
     Your picture is so beautiful! It's nice to put a face to a name. I understand how frustrated it can be going to doctors who really don't know that much about thal, but act like they do. If they would just be honest, it would be better. You have to be your own advocate and researcher. I'm glad you are finding some things to help you, Kathy. Take care, love, Jean :wavey



Re: Doing great
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2006, 06:24:56 AM »
hello Jean,
Thank-you for the compliment, I took this photo yesterday with all my 52yrs of glory, just as I was wondering about you,you post messages.
I'm glad you are doing well too.Nice to hear from you.Take good care Jean.

Hi Chritine.
Good news about Lauryn keep our fingers cross  for her.
I know there is a different between the  blood from the heel and veins blood but donot know what it is ??? ??? ??? ???.
This is for a laugh ''the reason I know is because on occassions when the nurses couldn't not found my veins to withdraw blood I offered my foot ,they told me its no good but never told me why. :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl,I thought because my foot was old, now it seems that it has nothing to do with age because Lauryns foot is the most pretty little foot ever.
I hope you do have a good laugh, I'm a clown :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl


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Re: Doing great
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2006, 06:34:14 AM »
i hope i'm as lovely as you when i am 52! 
you have such a great face.  Sharmin



Re: Doing great
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2006, 11:00:01 PM »
Hi Sharmin.
Thank-you. :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers

Guard well within yourself that treasure,Kindness.

Know how to give without hesitation,how to lose without regret,
 how to acquire without meanness.
Dont worry too much about small stuff .
with god help you will always look prettier,  even when you are a hundred ,
the secret is in all of us.
good luck my friend.
with love from Kathy.


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Doing great
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2006, 05:54:31 PM »
Thank you Kathy,
Those are wise words, I will keep them with me.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday!  :hug :hug :hug

all the best Sharmin

Re: Doing great
« Reply #26 on: December 21, 2006, 07:09:01 AM »
Hi, All,

Thanks everyone for your kind reply and I feel much better now. This is a very good place to release some pressure to all that understand.




Offline Alia

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Re: Doing great
« Reply #27 on: December 22, 2006, 10:04:40 AM »
im so sorry about what had happen with cousin she is only 25 and she has her utruse taken out she had simler problem as u.after the birth of her first and only baby,her bleeding would not stop so they had to do operation on her.
welcome to this site,im also new in here,i find it really helpful.


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