Can any one help me with some advice about my blood results?

  • 4 Replies
Can any one help me with some advice about my blood results?
« on: September 22, 2017, 04:07:26 AM »
Hello, I am new to this site. I was diagnosed with Thal minor(beta) when I was younger, I am 24 now and am only really starting to learn a little about it. The doctors don't seem to know much about it at all, I am wondering if anyone can help me in regards to the best way to manage it. I am tired and weak often, I also suffer from endometriosis so worry about my iron being depleted.
I recently had some blood tests done and these were the results. I would really appreciate any one helping me out in regards to where I could improve these results and what they all mean. I have recently got a b12 injection, and have a few more to get. I have began taking folate (500mg) and take a mega b complex though I think all the levels are quite low in it. I also bought spa tone though am not sure if I should take it as I've always been told not to take iron?
I would really appreciate some advice! Thank you so much in advance to any one who takes the time to read this.

Blood test Results:

Holo TC Assay (b12 I think?): 118, this is up from 43 last blood test due to injections.
Serum folate Assay: 43
Haemoglobin: 110 g/L
Red cell count: 5.4
Mean cell volume: 66 fL
Mean cell Haemoglobin: 20 pg
Platelet count: 303
White cell count: 7.5
Thyroid stimulating hormone: 0.7 ( I asked the docs about this as I thought it seemed low but they said it was okay?)
D3: 78
Serum Iron: 19
Transferrin IBC: 64
Transferrin saturation: 30
Serum ferritin assay: 45

I have a few more blood tests, sodium, potassium ect, so if they are relevant let me know and I can write those results too!
Thanks so much


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Can any one help me with some advice about my blood results?
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2017, 07:18:52 PM »
Hi Alice,

Your iron numbers are on the marginal side. If the endometriosis causes added blood loss, then it is likely you would need an iron supplement. I would suggest that you try the Spatone for a week or two and see if you feel any better. That is really the ultimate test for iron. If you feel better and your Hb rises, you need iron. If not, you don't.

I would suggest a higher dose of folate and that you take sublingual B12 tablets, in addition to your injections. Has your vitamin D level been checked? Low D exacerbates all of the problems found in thal minor and is often in need of adjustment.

Your TSH does fall into normal range.

See this post for more about nutrition in thal minor.,4890.msg46774.html#msg46774

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Can any one help me with some advice about my blood results?
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2017, 04:07:03 AM »
Thanks a lot for your response Andy :) I have started the spa tone, I have taken them for about 5 days at this point and I do feel like it is helping slightly, so I will continue to take them and possibly get another bloodiest in a month or so to see where I am at with everything.
I haven't had my vitamin D checked, only that D3 one that I posted, is the one I posted relevant?
Is the sun sufficient for Vitamin D or should I be taking supplement? what amount of folate do you recommend taking daily?
Is a haemoglobin of 110 high or low or just average for someone with thal minor?
Thank you again for you input!

Re: Can any one help me with some advice about my blood results?
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2017, 04:08:36 AM »
another blood test **


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Can any one help me with some advice about my blood results?
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2017, 09:23:38 PM »
I hadn't noticed the D reading. It's fine. The sun is the best source of vitamin D, so if you can get sun regularly, it should be all you need.
An Hb o0f 11 is normal for thal minor. You can take 1-2 mg of folate daily. Sublingual B12 may be of help in fighting fatigue. I get a good boost when I take it. It's also needed so folate works well.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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