Dr A M Mathur and Rodex

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Dr A M Mathur and Rodex
« on: March 12, 2008, 06:15:47 AM »
Dr A M Mathur calls himself a cancer physician and owns and operates New Bombay Cancer Hospital in Gurgaon, Haryana( India). He has been bestowed upon some honours namely
International Scientist Award( By the Delhi govt for his drug `CANCER CURE '.
Novel Prize in 2001 (By International Council of Homeopathy, London).
Pride of India in 2002 (By the Haryana govt)
Man of the Year in 2002( By govt of Mauritius)
Crusader of Homeopathy in 2003( By the Maharashtra govt)
Indian Hall of Fame(Medicare) Award in 2005.

 It is to be noted that all the above mentioned honours were conferred upon him for his drug `CANCER CURE' and not for Rodex.
Dr Mathur claims to have cured 90 patients with thalassemia, but his claims are yet to be verified. Probably the drug contains something that can enhance Hb F.
Regarding his charges, it varies according to the blood group and age of the child from 1.5 lakhs- 3.5 lakhs( Indian Rupees)


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Re: Dr A M Mathur and Rodex
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2008, 08:53:33 AM »
what this Rodex is?


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Re: Dr A M Mathur and Rodex
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2008, 10:45:24 AM »
Here we go again...no mention of if they are majors or minors or intermedias...all these doctors who come up with cures...WOW I AM IMPRESSED!!! (actually really annoyed)

How can these doctors say they have found a cure when for the past god knows how many years I have been hearing that the only cure is BONE MARROW  and if that is successful... And for Gene therapy its many many years away...

And if he is the the doctor to cure CANCER well why isnt he well known in other countries and I am sure that most doctors would like to know what the cure is for CANCER so all these people who suffer from this can experience a longer and happier and healthier life...

I am just annoyed at reading of all these cure rubbish!!!

Reason I dont post much is because of what I read!!!

Ps sorry if I offend anyone but this is the truth..

Re: Dr A M Mathur and Rodex
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2008, 04:12:18 PM »
Mr. Mathur has yet to prove his research, he is not well known anywhere in the world with respect to thalassemia or cancer treatment, Some of the questions asked by Summerfette are legitimate.


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Re: Dr A M Mathur and Rodex
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2008, 06:22:30 PM »
Hey all,

So many legitimate forms of treatment are on the horizon.  There are also many standard and proven methods of treatment and maintenance available.  My personal feeling is that we should maintain the health of our loved ones (or ourselves an many cases) with these treatments until such a time that "a real cure" is available.  As convincing as these Dr. Mathurs and (my apologies as my patience is also running out) this Roxed &^% may sound - come on folks we are intelligent people - why not use the conventional treatment for now - it is the safest route to go.  Sure, supplement with IP6, green tea extract, wheat grass - but don't buy into anything that takes you off of the path that is allowing thals to live longer and better lives these days. 

What a shame it would be when a cure is available, and some of us have ruined our health/health of loved ones using some hokey snake medicine.  Please be wise, benefit from modern science - have faith - current treatment is allowing people to live healthy lives - get educated, have careers, have children etc etc.  why then are we straying from this and falling for all of this. 

I know it is devastating to have your child diagnosed with a potentially serious illness, no one really wants to transfuse their child.  But it's time for us to give each other strength, and do what is necessary and best for our kids.  It is not a picnic for me to watch my son get poked, or for me to poke him - but if that is what it takes for me to have the healthy, intelligent, active little boy - then I will do it.  I need to have a good attitude for my own sake - and for his.  Let's focus on being greatful for our children, the treatment that is available and what forms of treatment may be available in the future.  If we can be happy as we are, then a cure would be gravy wouldn't it?  I have faith in my child - he can take a few pokes for his well being.  Life isn't easy for anyone - why not allow this to strengthen us and our children?  Please, maintain your HOPE for a cure - but don't stop living for today!   (not to say I don't have my days!)

I think this is becoming a bit of a rant so I'll be signing off now - and maybe share some of Khalifa's pizza  :khalifa.  mmmm not bad!


Re: Dr A M Mathur and Rodex
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2008, 07:53:16 PM »
Please remember the effects of thalassemia on the body is devastating, a child needs constant supply of hb to grow normally. The hb of 6 or 7 can keep him/her alive but really that is not an optimal level to grow and the effects would occur in the later years of life.

I say with great apologies that checking the children eyes, color of skin and other health symptoms otherwise would tell you nothing, the body would adjust itself with the low production of hb. Atleast all thal minor can testify that they grew up with lower hb but we all saw varrying level of health problems.   

In earlier years of my wife when she was studying medicine she found her hb was 6 and she was able to handle all the pressures of work, life and study. The body adpated to low hb but that does not mean she was healthy. Later in life she had some problems that I do not want to discuss but the message here is think hard and decide if the treatment is right for you.

There is a proven conventional treatment available for the management of thalassemia, we will see a cure in our lifetime so lets hope for it.


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Re: Dr A M Mathur and Rodex
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2008, 06:43:56 AM »
There is very little information available about Dr Mathur or his treatments. Almost every article one can find online are news articles that simply report what Dr Mathur has claimed. There is even less info about his organization, WHDO (World Homeopathic Development Organisation). It is hard to believe a man who had a cure for cancer would be so unknown. And what is a Novel prize?

The reports we have heard from people trying Rodex have shown a small increase in hemoglobin at best. Similar reports are heard from patients using much less expensive wheatgrass. I have seen nothing to convince me that Rodex is any better of a fetal hemoglobin inducer than wheatgrass. Rodex is not cheap.

Dr Mathur's Rodex may be of some small benefit in raising Hb levels and this may be of some use in some intermedia patients, but it does seem pricey and not very effective. I am sure we will continue to get reports from Micky and if anything changes long term, we will be happy to report it.

I do agree that patients should get proper treatment for thal and not rely on unproved methods. There are many things that can supplement thal treatment but I know of none that can replace it.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Dr A M Mathur and Rodex
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2008, 05:48:08 AM »
Hi Everyone
I seem to have send wrong signals. I wanted to continue my post but Hassan was demanding attention and I had to stop, and I was very busy this weekend as my daughter has her final semisters going on.
I know the awards I mentioned before has really annoyed a few. But from the perspective of a parent whose child has just been diagnosed as thal is really impressive. Atleast it WAS in my case.There is a lot of information about him and his cancer cures, he organises free camps , runs rallies, holds seminars with a bunch of his cured patients. Andy the dictionary meaning of Novel is strange or unusual. But I had clearly mentioned all these strange awards were for cancer and NOT FOR THALASSEMIA. Not only is he unknown internationally, he is also not famous nationally. Probably the only place where he is famous is here on this site. Thanks to Micky and ME :mad.
I will come directly to the point
Does RODEX work?
In my case, a big NO. And if it does benefit a few it is certainly not the way he claims.



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Re: Dr A M Mathur and Rodex
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2008, 06:44:40 AM »

Canadian Family,I totally agree with you,

And Andy, always the wisest  :thumbs

I can not express much as you guys did, but i am of the same opinion,have this conventional treatment for you kids for now and wait for a legitimate cure to come,Maha ,Micky we all love you, plz stop this treatment and give your kids a chance to live healthily and happily by transfusing them,you'll see the difference your self.

LOVE YOU ALL  :grouphug



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Re: Dr A M Mathur and Rodex
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2008, 10:34:58 AM »
There is a common sense about Homeopathy that always made me skeptical about it's claims for Thal. which is the oral administration of the medicine. I know it can cure diseases that can be tackled orally and for the sake of argument I also accept that it can cure cancer (apparently tumors) because the medicine can reach these places to "cure" it.

However, in Thal. this is not the case. I find it really hard to accept that some medicine taken orally will find it's way through the billions of genes and correct the "right one" not just in one cell but all of the stem cells in our Bone marrow.

I've taken Homeopathy medicine for about 15 yrs and wasted a whole days in queues. I've seen common diseases, tumors and even kidney/gallstones being cured by Homeo but I've never seen a genetic disorder like inherited diabetes and heart disease being cured. There are a lot of Diabetes scams on TV for Homeo ( Like they say, "If your Pancreas is in your body then it's not dead. We can make it work again") but they fail to provide cured patient list.
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Re: Dr A M Mathur and Rodex
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2008, 12:13:17 PM »
 :yaaaaaay :yaaaaaay :yaaaaaay :yay :yay

Sajid I absolutely agree with you in some parts :) especially the end where you say "but they fail to provide cured patient list."

They always fail to provide those important issues that we are seeking...

I also agree with Zaini...

Re: Dr A M Mathur and Rodex
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2017, 02:05:38 PM »
No pathy in the world can sure thalassemia which is a genetical disorder. Never.

What other pathies can do at the most is to complement the patient by supporting or aiding in his medical care.

I have been consulting a MD homeopath in Mumbai from 7 months for my uric acid concerns and he never asked me to stop:
- daily folic acid 5mg
- monthly B12 shot
- daily 112 mcg thyroxine
- monthly D3 supplement

Infact he encouraged me to continue the allopathy medicines.

There is a common sense about Homeopathy that always made me skeptical about it's claims for Thal. which is the oral administration of the medicine. I know it can cure diseases that can be tackled orally and for the sake of argument I also accept that it can cure cancer (apparently tumors) because the medicine can reach these places to "cure" it.

However, in Thal. this is not the case. I find it really hard to accept that some medicine taken orally will find it's way through the billions of genes and correct the "right one" not just in one cell but all of the stem cells in our Bone marrow.

I've taken Homeopathy medicine for about 15 yrs and wasted a whole days in queues. I've seen common diseases, tumors and even kidney/gallstones being cured by Homeo but I've never seen a genetic disorder like inherited diabetes and heart disease being cured. There are a lot of Diabetes scams on TV for Homeo ( Like they say, "If your Pancreas is in your body then it's not dead. We can make it work again") but they fail to provide cured patient list.


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