Claim: Thalassemia is curable with Homeopathy?

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Claim: Thalassemia is curable with Homeopathy?
« on: October 26, 2017, 02:53:36 PM »
This doctor blogs from DHAKA, Bangladesh and has a complete chart of 26 homeopathy remedies listed one below the other in a certain sequence with each medicine potency and dosage to follow.

In my 5 years of USA stay, I hardly heard or saw a a Homeopathy doctor or pharmacy anywhere. No one in that country talks about any other pathy other than Allopathy.

In my view: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and other countries in the region have a high density of homepathy practitioners. Is it so that a developing country with low per capita income has more homeopathy practice and pharma business than developed nations?

The gist of homeopathy says "single remedy system" to cure patient of symptoms and not diseases or disorders. Multiple remedies do not act.
Moreover, diseases are curable, disorders are not. Thalassemia is a disorder. It cannot be cured for sure.
Thalassemia can only be managed and maintained better.
26 medicines?


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