Red Grapes

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Offline Manal

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Red Grapes
« on: November 30, 2006, 01:31:42 AM »
Is it true that red grapes has affects HB positivley?? if yes Why?



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Re: Red Grapes
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2006, 12:19:57 PM »
Hi Manal,

The only thing that I can think of it for normal people, could be the Iron content; which is not recommended for Thals.!

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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Red Grapes
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2006, 04:01:17 PM »
Red grapes are a good source of resveratrol, which has exhibited properties similar to hydroxyurea in tests. Grapes are actually low in iron. 100 grams contain only about 1/3 mg iron.


Resveratrol, a natural dietary polyphenol...This compound inhibits ribonucleotide reductase as does hydroxyurea...we show here that 50 micromol/l of resveratrol induced a higher haemoglobin production (sevenfold) in K562 cells than 500 micromol/l of hydroxyurea (3.5-fold). This erythroid differentiation was linked to a dose- and time-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation associated with an equivalent increased expression of p21 mRNA, but with a higher increased level of p21 protein (sixfold) for cells treated with resveratrol than for those treated with hydroxyurea (1.5-fold). We also show that 50 micromol/l of resveratrol and 25 micromol/l of hydroxyurea induced variable but similar enhancements of fetal haemoglobin synthesis in cultured erythroid progenitors

Red grapes are also high in antioxidants,which is another property beneficial to anyone but especially for thals. Eat to your heart's desire.  :wink


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Re: Red Grapes
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2006, 04:17:47 PM »

I wonder the (red) grape juice is better and more concentrated than the whole fruit. I think this should be tried before hydroxyurea if someone is plans to go for hydroxyurea.

I'll definitely give it a try. I hope it does some good to us Thal. major too!

Take care, Peace!
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Offline Manal

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Re: Red Grapes
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2006, 11:29:34 PM »
Waw Andy

Great information. Thanks a lot

Of course i will give it a try, hope it makes a difference.

It is really amazing that food contain the active ingrident found in medcine.  I think some day people will depend on food as a cure. Like the Japenesse man who has been treating many people from cancer through special kinds of food with calculated amounts.


Re: Red Grapes
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2006, 04:46:09 PM »
Very Interesting

Thanks Manal and Andy.



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Re: Red Grapes
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2006, 12:35:11 AM »
Andy i read that Resveratrol is available as a nutritional supplement, is it okay for thal to take a pill daily ??  Is there any negative side effects for pills??



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Red Grapes
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2006, 01:31:28 AM »
Resveratrol is sold as a nutritional supplement. There are no known side effects or reactions with drugs. It is found in many foods, two of which that have high amounts are grapes and boiled peanuts. The resveratrol is found in the skins. It is known to have many healthful properties, and is suspected to be a cancer preventative. It is also a blood thinner, like aspirin and vitamin E, so anyone using a blood thinning drug like warfarin or coumadin should ask their doctor before using them. And just like the others, it should be stopped one week before any surgery. Thals generally have some danger of clotting so a mild natural blood thinner can often be of some benefit to thals.

Food products such as wheatgrass extract and resveratrol are made from simple foods that people consume regularly. I feel they are very safe and may have beneficial properties.

A very good analysis complete with a chart showing how much resveratrol is found in different foods, can be found at



    * Resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound found in grapes, red wine, purple grape juice, peanuts and some berries. (More Information)
    * When taken orally, resveratrol appears to be well-absorbed by humans, but its bioavailability is relatively low because it is rapidly metabolized and eliminated. (More Information)
    * Scientists became interested in exploring potential health benefits of resveratrol when its presence was reported in red wine, leading to speculation that resveratrol might help explain the “French Paradox.” (More Information)
    * Moderate alcohol consumption has been consistently associated with 20-30% reductions in coronary heart disease risk, but it is not yet clear whether red wine polyphenols, such as resveratrol, confer any additional risk reduction. (More Information)
    * Although resveratrol can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in culture and some animal models, it is not known whether high intakes of resveratrol can prevent cancer in humans. (More Information)
    * Resveratrol administration increased the lifespans of yeast, worms, and fruit flies, but it is not known whether resveratrol will have similar effects in higher animals or humans. (More Information)
    * At present, relatively little is known about the effects of resveratrol in humans.

Total Resveratrol Content of Wines and Grape Juice
Beverage    Total resveratrol (mg/liter)    Total resveratrol in a 5-oz glass (mg)
White wines (Spanish)     0.05-1.80    0.01-0.27
Rosé wines (Spanish)      0.43-3.52    0.06-0.53
Red wines (Spanish)      1.92-12.59    0.29-1.89
Red wines (global)        1.98-7.13      0.30-1.07
Red grape juice (Spanish) 1.14-8.69    0.17-1.30

Total Resveratrol Content of Selected Foods (73, 75, 89)

Food                     Serving            Total resveratrol (mg)
Peanuts (raw)       1 cup (146 g)     0.01-0.26
Peanuts (boiled)   1 cup (180 g)    0.32-1.28
Peanut butter       1 cup (258 g)    0.04-0.13
Red grapes        1 cup (160 g)    0.24-1.25



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Re: Red Grapes
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2006, 01:07:24 AM »
Andy i read,
'"that taking resveratrol is not recommended for growing children and pregnant females. Since the ingredients in Longevinex ( this med has resveratrol ) may inhbit the action of protective enzymes in the liver (called cytochrome P450 enzymes), "

Also i read

"Safety Issues
Resveratrol has estrogenic effects and, according to one study, might stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells.15 For this reason, it should be avoided by pregnant or nursing women as well as women who have had breast cancer or are at high risk of developing it. Combination therapy with prescription estrogen is not recommended. Maximum safe dosages for children, pregnant or nursing women, or those with severe liver or kidney disease have not been determined. "

SO Andy , does this mean that i can n't give these tablets to my son. I am trying to feed him red grapes, but his intake is very limited. I also asked my heme about resveratrol, but she said that she knows nothing about this and asked me to print her what i read about it from the internet in my next visit.

So what do you think??



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Red Grapes
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2006, 06:09:50 AM »
Hi Manal,

The effects of resveratrol on estrogen are somewhat contradictory, because it may stimulate or inhibit the estrogen receptors depending on other factors. However, keep in mind that it may not have much relevance to your son, as estrogen is a problem for females because they have ovaries that produce estrogen. Resveratrol does inhibit the cytochrome P450 enzyme and this is actually from what its anti-cancer properties are derived, as P450 enzyme is over expressed in many tumors. There is much evidence that resveratrol may inhibit many types of cancers.

The concerns about children taking resveratrol is that it hasn't been studied on children so the maximum dose is not known. A low dose like what you suggested for your son seems to be safe. Can he eat peanuts? They also have high levels of resveratrol and the diet is always the first route to good nutrition.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Red Grapes
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2006, 12:04:35 PM »
Thanks Andy for your quick reply.

i will try the peanuts. The problem is that food is not a priority to my son  :gaah :gaah :gaah. He loves nothing but rice. Anyway, i will try the peanuts and let you know.

But if i tried the tablets for him, what do you think is the lowest dose to be taken?



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Red Grapes
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2006, 05:01:59 AM »
I don't know if I believe everything that Longevinex claims about their product being uniquely the best product. I know that there are other very reputable companies, like Nature's Way, that make good quality resveratrol supplements. I was reading a forum with threads about resveratrol and many adults take 100-300 mg per day and most people said they saw results in weeks, as far as how healthy they felt. You can find brands with around 35-40 mg per capsule. I would suggest one capsule per day for a child. Will he swallow a capsule?

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Red Grapes
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2006, 10:04:29 AM »
Thanks Andy for your reply. Don't worry, Ahmad is facinated with medicines :rotfl




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Re: Red Grapes
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2006, 07:01:43 PM »
Hi Guys
          OH come on stop talking a bout Grapes   :winky... Manal am going to come to egypt to have good Grape juice it's my favoret drink  :biggrin  :spit ... do you know Guys what am doing now ?
    am drinking Grapes juice yam yam yam yam .
                           state of kuwait


Offline Manal

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Re: Red Grapes
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2006, 08:21:29 PM »
Hello Khalifa

you are more than welcomed. Grapes juice is waiting for you :wink :grin


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