Sorry, I forgot about this post and remembered about it after the recent conference. The girlfriend (shes the actual thal patient. Just said I was to make things less confusing) was on combination chelation to get her iron levels lower. We got it down from 2700 to about 1000. She has no Iron in her heart, but her liver iron concentration is high. We were doing well with chelation, but had to stop due to getting pregnant. The plan is to get the LIC checked again after pregnancy to determine how aggressive we need to be in chelation. We weren't able to check the LIC after the aggressive chelation.
In any case, she will see how she feels on current regimen(2 units every 3 weeks) after pregnancy. It is difficult to tell now because her fatigue can be due to pregnancy. If she is still too tired, then we plan to get the iron levels lower and change to 2 units every 2 weeks.