symptoms in beta thallasemia trait

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symptoms in beta thallasemia trait
« on: April 10, 2018, 05:36:54 PM »
hi Andy,
need some help, I am 31 years male have recently been diagnosed with beta thalassemia also having symptoms like high  bilirubin (3.92 indirect) (direct 0.55), gallstones & mild spleenomegally.
My Hb level is 12.1
PCV 38.30
RBC 5.23 mill/mm3
MCV 73.20
mchc 31.60
MCH 23.10
platelets are reduced to 106thou/mm3
Electrophoresis reports show
HBa 92.9
HB a2 5.6
HBF 1.3
Reticulocytes : 5.3 %
As per Doc. I am having beta thalassemia trait, Kindly give your suggestion w.r.t all the symptoms & results.Are these symptoms common in thallasemia trait ?


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