Are there links between thalaseimia, arthritis and fibromyalgia

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Re: Are there links between thalaseimia, arthritis and fibromyalgia
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2010, 11:10:53 PM »
Not sure - but some of these symptoms could all be raelated to FMF or familial Mediteranian Fever.  And, this could all fit with Thalassemia.  Have wondered about this as I had leg pains alot as a kid, and also had an appendectomy at age 6.  And, I apparently run a low temperature normally.  If mine is 98.6 I usually feel really sick.  I have not often had fevers though, so don't think I have it. But, it might be worth checking out.


Re: Are there links between thalaseimia, arthritis and fibromyalgia
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2010, 05:35:03 PM »
I received a couple pages from the doc, but I can't figure out if I have what I need to go to the local peds doc and or start vitamins or not. Could you please  translate for me? Thanks.--
ANC 4.33
MCV 55.6 iron 62
ulBC 328 (hi)
ferritin 16 (lo)
Fe sat end TIBC hi
HEP pending
late entry. One detailed review order for hgb electrophoresis was mistakenly entered as an order for hepatitis panel (results negative) and an autoimmune panel demonstrated a positive ANA 1:160 in a nucleolar pattern. PT/PTT both mildly elevated and corrected with 1:1 mixing. May need rheumatology F/U--

Could you tell me if I have what I need? I have to wonder how they expect me to meet her needs if I can't understand their language :) I do know that she is tired lately and sometimes her legs shake and sometimes it's hard for her to concentrate but I hate to give her anything this week (vitamins) if I should take her in for a new blood draw. Again, WONDERFUL SITE!


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Are there links between thalaseimia, arthritis and fibromyalgia
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2010, 06:31:58 PM »

Without values for the Fe saturation and TIBC, it is difficult to assess her iron status. Ferritin is low but serum iron is normal, so the other values are needed to make any judgment. The ANA is higher than normal, but unless she had chronic joint pain, it may not mean much, as this can be caused by certain viruses also. Shaking legs can be caused my many different things, including thyroid disease. It is also related to lack of folic acid, low iron, low magnesium. I would suggest a full evaluation that includes tests for folate, magnesium and also a thyroid test.

I must point out that there is absolutely no reason to hesitate giving her a daily multi-vitamin, although until iron deficiency is definitely proven, the multi should be without iron. I would also suggest a daily folic acid supplement and if her bones seem weak, a calcium/magnesium supplement. Many members here give their children Osteocare or similar products to make sure their children are getting sufficient minerals.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Are there links between thalaseimia, arthritis and fibromyalgia
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2010, 09:10:25 AM »
Hi there!  I too was adopted at birth and had no medical history.  Oh well.  At 40 I found my bio Mom and despite the fact we have developed a close relationship, she has never been willing to deal with my thalassemia as if it came from her.  Considering my bio Father was full blooded Swedish, not much chance there, I am told.
I have not been tested, but, seem to have the symptoms of some kind of arthritis, or some such.  Joint pain, and chronic pain that is not normal.
Having read all of the posts to this subject, I am fascinated by the fact that my Mom, sister and I are all adopted, and not blood relatives.  I have been ill since forever, my Mom was a sickly child, and my sister healthy as a horse.  My Mom has dealt with CFS for many years, and my sister, Fibromyalgia.  No blood relation, yet,  we all have medical problems that people wonder if are related????  Hmmmmm, what do we have in common???  My Mom grew up in Southern California, and didn't move until her 30's.  I spent my first ten years there and my sister, first eight.  This was during a time when everyone took liquid fluoride at school, and, there was fluoride in our water system!!!!!!
I hate to read things into things, but, if there is any line of thinking that relates these things, the three of us could be a classic example of how much of an effect such things as fluoride really can have.
The best to you, and I will look back to see what else pops up here.  I see some interesting similarities in our situations.


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Re: Are there links between thalaseimia, arthritis and fibromyalgia
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2010, 08:43:41 PM »

I don't know if there is a relation between fibromyalgie and TM, but I know about arthritis and TM. Those two are related. These days there is more kowledge about the things TM experience. Low Hb, enlarged liver and spleen (not especially because of iron overload) and pain in the larger joints, mostly because of arthritis.

When you have arthritis you can take painmedication and you need to excersice, swim, walk, ride your bike. The less you erxercise, the more pain you will experience. I know this first hand, cause I have arthritis in my knees.
Painmedication that also will make the infection better are NSAID's like ibuprofen, diclofenac, naproxen. BUT: you can't take these when you have indigestionproblems (stomach, intestins) and you cant take these for a long time. Not even when you have a stomach protector like omeprazol for example. And they don't go well with some othe medication you will probably have. So ask your docter!
Paracetamol you can take, unless you have liver failure. It will take away the sharp edges of your pain.

About anti-depressiom medication with fibromyalgie: a lot of medications have mutiple purposes. And some anti-depression medications also will take pain away. This doesn't always means the docter think you're depressed! For example amytriptiline. This is an anti-depressive, but also a very good pain kiler especially with fibromyalgie. So don't think your docter will give you this just so you will be quiet or because he doens't know what else to do.

Take good care of yourself


Offline Danny.H

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Re: Are there links between thalaseimia, arthritis and fibromyalgia
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2018, 05:33:13 AM »
Well.. this is question I also have. Since 2014 I started to feel pain . I  did not noticed so badly the beginning because I demed the flare ups just a hemolises since the symptoms of flare ups of fibro are very similar to flare ups of Thallassemia (hemolises). I got kind foggy brain, lack of balance sometimes headaches , irritability and fatigue . When I have fibro flare ups I also notice presence of bruises on my limbs. I conclude that it is caused by hemolises and because I go through hemolises I get a flare up of fibro too. I could be totally wrong but this is what I have been noticing from the last 4 years. I'm a Minor with symptoms .


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Are there links between thalaseimia, arthritis and fibromyalgia
« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2018, 04:23:27 PM »

Have you had the opportunity to get your blood counts checked during the flare ups to see if there is any change in Hb or platelet levels? Have you ever tried folate when you have the bruises? Folate can help produce more platelets, so improvement while using folate would show the bruises are related to low platelets. The other well known cause of bruising is low vitamin C, a nutrient that must  be replaced daily.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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