Bad news: Supplements you are taking don't make miracles for tiredeness. Good news: You are defeating oxidative stress and taking care of your bones. I personally tried 1.5 mg of Carnitine while training and for short period. I felt same tiredeness. Tried also B12, metilfolate and B compex. Nothing to do, no escape, fatigue is always there. Personally I felt a little better with an high intake of animal protein (white meat) and complex Carbs. Simple carbs like vegetables and fruit are good for vitamin, minerals and dietary fiber but my body mainly take energy from complex carbs. I tried also Ashwagandha with a little good result for sleep. Other are Waste of money. Some people suggested me to take some special mushrooms, spirulina or rhodiola rosea. I' dont know, I'm tired, tired also of waste my money.