Hi Andy,
He was was on the Spatone for around two years (1 packet 3 times a week), during that time he had a couple of blood checks, but was in the 30-40ish range for his ferritin when he was checked. Around December, I requested testing because he became noticeably more pale and even more fatigued than usual, along with weight loss. That test showed his ferritin was still in normal limits, but by the time we met with his Hematologist in February it had dropped to 19, which was when he was prescribed the NovaFerrum. So now he's still has symptoms and hasn't improved his Ferritin even with the 3 month prescribed treatment.
The hematologist called me back and is recommending he do one iron infusion to see how he responds, she was concerned about giving him iron because of his thal, so he will only do one and see if his energy improves. She is also recommending he see a Gastroenterologist to see if there might be some bleeding that is causing the iron deficiency.
I'll definitely try some dried fruit, thank you! He's also been getting super liquid folate each day from your recommendation earlier. Hopefully with the summer off to relax we can focus on his nutrition and more rest he will regain some energy:).
Here are his most recent labs:
Component Your Value Standard Range
Ferritin 18.4ng/ml 22-274ng/ml
Reticulocyte Count % 1.9% 0.5-2.0%
Reticulocyte Count Absolute 0.096% 0.026-0.095 M/uL
Immature Retic Fraction 13.2% 2.3-13.4%
Reticulocyte Hemoglobin 22.3pg 24.1-35.8 pg
White Blood Cell Coount 5.41 K/uL 5.5-15.50 K/uL
Red Blood Cell Count 5.09 M/uL 4.00-5.20 M/uL
Hemoglobin 10.0 g/dL 11.5-15.5 g/dL
Hematocrit 32.3% 35.0-47.0%
MCV 63.5 fL 77-95 fL
MCH 19.6 pg 25-35 g/dL
MCHC 31.0 g/dL 32-36 g/dL
RDW 33.8 fL 37-50 fL
Platelet Count 312 K/uL 150-440 K/uL
MPV 10.7 fL 8.0-13.0 fL
nRBC 0.0 0.0-0.2 #/100
Absolute NRBC's 0.00 K/uL 0.00-0.01 K/uL
Neutrophils Relative Percent 30.0% 32.0-52.0%
Lymphocytes Relative Percent 57.9% 40.0-60.0%
Monocytes Relative Percent 9.8% 1.0-11.0%
Eosinophils Relative Percent 1.3% 0.0-6.0%
Basophils Relative Percent 0.6% 0.0-2.0%
Immature Grans Relative Percent .40% 0.00-0.42%
Neutrophils Absolute 1.63 K/UL 1.76-8.06 K/UL
Lymphocytes Absolute 3.13 K/UL 2.20-9.30 K/UL
Monocytes Absolute 0.53 K/UL .05-1.70 K/UL
Eosinophils Absolute .07 K/uL 0.00-0.93 K/uL
Basophils Absolute 0.03 K/uL 0.00-.30 K/uL
Immature Grans Absolute 0.02 K/UL 0.00-0.03 K/UL
Thanks Andy!