Just like to share the information, lately patients who are on Exjade or Jadenu were routinely tested for ACR (Albumin to Creatinine Ratio). This test usually shows kidney function disruption (if any) quite late. To early detect the Kidney function, doctors have started Beta-2 macroglobulin test (normal range is 0-29).
Beta-2 microglobulin (B2M) is a protein that is found on the surface of nucleated cells (contain a nucleus) and functions as part of the human immune system. This protein is routinely shed by cells into the blood and is present in most body fluids, with highest levels in the blood, generally lower levels in spinal fluid, and trace levels in urine.
In the kidneys, B2M passes through blood-filtering units called the glomeruli and is then reabsorbed by the renal proximal tubules, structures that reclaim water, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other vital substances. Normally, only small amounts of B2M are present in the urine, but when the renal tubules become damaged or diseased, B2M concentrations increase due to the decreased ability to reabsorb this protein. When the glomeruli in the kidneys are damaged, they are unable to filter out B2M, so the level in the blood rises.