Hey there! I found my old lab results from 2017, the only ones I have actually. This was before I hade more blood work done and before I started feeling worse symptoms. Is there anyone that can kindly translate these in regards to thalassemia?
They are written in Swedish, hope its not a problem!
In the results were also comments about microcytosis, which I have learned is normal for thals. Also, through genotyping it shows that I have a "rather unusual beta-thalassemia mutation" - 25 bpdeletion, also called c. 93-22_95del
Hb(B)--Hemoglobin F <1.0 % B-Hemoglobin A2 5.0 %
P--Transglutaminas-ak(IgA) <1 kE/L P--Folat 27 nmol/L
P--Kobalamin 379 pmol/L S-Ferritin 68 µg/L
P--Tyrotropin (TSH) 1.70 mE/L S-Kreatinin, enzymatiskt 92 µmol/L
Pt-eGFR(krea) relativ 83 S-Kalium 3.8 mmol/L
P--Albumin 48 g/L P--ALAT 0.17 µkat/L
P--GT 0.15 µkat/L S-CRP 0.79 mg/L
S-IgA 2.2 g/L P--Glukos 4.8 mmol/L
B-Hemoglobin 113 g/L B--Erytrocyter 5.6 10E12/L
B-EVF 0.36 B--MCV 64 fL
(B)Erc-MCH 20 pg (B)Erc-MCHC 313 g/L
B--Leukocyter 6.2 10E9/L B--Trombocyter 230 10E9/L
I hade a less extensive blood test done a couple months before this where it showed that I had 122g/L of B-Hemoglobin.
