Hello Alia,

let me tell u that u hv chosen a right place,, this site is very informative and believe me seeing all the thal ppl chatting here joyously gives me strength,as i m a mother of a thal major , my daughter is six years old,and she is doing very fine,, ALHAMDULILLAH,,and ur daughter will be alright,, u know we are so lucky we are in an age of modern and advanced science,they are doing researches on this disease,,,there are now medicines by which transfusion can be delayed,,less transfusions,less iron,less problems

there is a hospital here in karachi,pakistan,,,who are givings these drugs to there patients and according to them they have quite a result.anyways life is much easier and much painless for thals now a days,,otherwise i hv seen my cousin,,, who died of thal abt 20 years ago at the age of 20,,, but that was past,, present is quite pleasent,,, and future will bring a complete cure INSHALLAH

ok so if u hv any questions u can post them here,, if u want to contact me personally ,,feel free,, my email is listed there in my profile,,,take good care of ur daughter and ur self.