Hi everyone,
I'm a thal minor with ferritin above 700 ng/mL (transferin saturation already about 46%) so I decided to go on a quest to find a way to reduce it.
I made a genetic test for hereditary hemochromatosis (just the most prevalent mutation) and it came back negative. Both doctors I saw - a hematologist and a gastroenterologist said they can't put me on Fe chelators unless my ferritin is at least 1000 and there's evidence for iron overload in my organs. They advised me to check ferritin levels every 6 months and go back when it reaches 1000. I already noticed some signs and symptoms which might be related to my iron overload and besides I'm convinced that iron overload is a silent killer - I don't think I can afford to wait any longer.
My research (for which this form is very helpful) led me to three supplements which act as iron chelators - IP6, curcumin and green tea extract. I want to juggle with all of them but I'm not sure what scheme should I follow so I want to ask for your advice.
- I already know that IP6 should be taken on empty stomach which I do but I only take one capsule (500mg) in the morning. So far no adverse events

- Curcumin should be taken with food and preferably with black pepper to increase its absorption in the gut. I want to be careful with curcumin since I read it causes the gallbladder to contract and I have some gallstones already. I take one capsule (500 mg) at lunch and dinner and haven't got any issues. Should I increase the dose?
- I take only take one capsule (500mg) of green tea extract
Could you recommend a better scheme or maybe something else I can add or change?
Should I completely exclude red meat and is there a way to block absorption of heme iron? I've heard that calcium can do the trick but how much and in what form?
I'd be really grateful for your advice and any information and experience you can share.