To my friends in India

  • 4 Replies

Offline Manal

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  • mother of thal intermedia child
To my friends in India
« on: December 14, 2006, 02:47:44 PM »
Dear friends from India

There is a doctor in India called Dr. Paramesh Banerji ( ) who claims that he has cured thalassemia to the extent that a patient who transfuse every 15 days, has completely stopped after his treatment. I have been e-mailing Dr. Banerji , asking him many questions and he answers me back.
What i need to know from you, is he a well known doctor in India? Does any of you heard anything about him? Do you know  anyone who has been treated at one of his clinics and if there was any improvement, long term or even short term.

Please any information will be appreciated



Re: To my friends in India
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2006, 12:06:48 PM »

Does he do Homeopathy medicine and where is he located? Which city in India??


Offline Manal

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  • mother of thal intermedia child
Re: To my friends in India
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2006, 12:25:53 PM »
Dear Shikha

thanks a lot for replying

 you to get in touch with Dr. P. Banerji directly on his email address
Alternatively, you can write to him at 5/1D, Deshpriya Park East, KOLKATTA-700029 or phone him on 033-24667777.

This is all what i know

Re: To my friends in India
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2007, 12:45:15 PM »
Hi Manal..

 Yes i do know Dr. P. Bannerjee whose clinic is at the address you mentioned... He is a Homeopath.. and the "Bannerjees" are a family of doctors..

But I sincerely doubt whether he has a cure for Thalassaemia... when my daughter was a child, I have tried every kind of medicine.. because at that time you want to hang to everything one hears.. and I did Homeopathy too.. momentarily the HB does boost up.. but there are no end results..   moreover we must understand that Thalassaemia is a huge problem.. and anyone finding a cure or even a maintenance of the Hb at a certain level would instantly  become famous... and would be known world wide..

These doctors would be good for skin problems, or minor health problems etc...but not something like cancer or thalassaemia...

So I would request you to go along with the lines of treatment being followed all over the world and by experts who are knowledgeable on this  subject and with years of research behind them... :)




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Re: To my friends in India
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2007, 01:53:30 PM »
Hi Manal
     Shaikha is wright am going to make it very short for all of us,,,parents or patients the only way to treat the thalass. is BMT or PBSC ..
      so why we keep our self in bad dream ..let face the realety we have a thalass. child we need to treat him or treat her ......OK.. 1: even we keep the child on transfiusion and with desferal all his or her life OR 2: BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT from a match donor 3:BMT from the mother even if she is not match with her child ..( the mother alwys match 50% with her child)
       off course me and you and everybody want to see our child in good health like other normal child BUT we have to live with our distney and look forwerd and keep our  self update with all what the scince PpL descover and if we have a chance to make descussing with them that will be fine ..
           Dear Manal and all my freinds it's our challange in this life we have to face it i was looking for any treatment to treat my son for 10 years but i was looking for nothing  :( ( i was like the man who is in the desert who look for the water).. All of us or most of us have good knowlidge and good thinking ... SO LET US  FACE IT ALL OF US
                                ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE[/font] 
                                                   STATE OF KUWAIT


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