Congratulations Dharmesh for ur consistent efforts. Ur journey is truly inspirational!!
I have the same problem of high level of iron. Its around 15000.
But my Dr has always advised me to take desferol for iron chelation. Thy are not giving me any oral chelators which i hav always requested them for. But thy hav always denied to give me asunra or kelfer. My iron level is increasing.. uncontrollable!!

Plz guide me how shud i reduce my iron? Shud i start the combination therapy my self??
Secondly, since past few years i hav spleen issues. My frequency of transfusions is 2 units every 2 weeks. My platelts are vry low. 13 thousand only & some times even less.
Now my dr hav allowed me to go for spleenactomy. So currently im planning for it.
Plz guide me abt wht precautions i need to take pre and post spleenactomy??
Andy, Dharmesh,.. plz guide