Hi to all,
There is a case of a Thalassaemia Major patient having been diagnosed with cancer. Exactly one year ago my husband was diagnosed with cancer. He had non hodgekin Lymphoma. The cancer was in his stomach and lungs on his lymph nodes. He started his chemo therapy just before Christmas 2005 and finished his chemo therapy March 2006. He was going into hospital every three weeks for a 3 days cycle. After completing cycle number 3 his hair started falling out, so he decided to shave his head and was kinda looking like Andy

His general health during his chemo was ok, but at times he would feel very tired and go off his food and he suffered alot with horrible mood swings. His thalassaemia side of things seemed ok. He was still chelating (Desferal) every night and he was on weekly one unit blood transfusions.
In March of this year he completed his chemo and after his last pet scan he was and still is in remission. However, due to his cardiomyopathy, his poor heart took a battering and has been very unwell forthe past 6 months. (hence why I was missing from the forum) He is now on a slow recovery but doing alot better and stronger.
Cancer is such a horrible thing for somebody to have. It ruins your body. Even though you must do the chemo therapy to kill the cancer, I think the chemo sometimes does more harm than good. But thats the nature of the beast and you got to do what is best.