New here

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Offline Courtenay1826

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  • Thal Minor (with symptoms!)
Re: New here
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2007, 06:44:56 AM »
Welcome Natalia!!

That is a really low Hb level for a minor, but I too have low Hb and am genetically a minor, but I also have another Hb mutation that causes me to have more severe symptoms.  I suggest you see a hematology specialist to find out why your Hb is so low.

To those that replied that we shouldn't say that thal minors have no symptoms, here here! There are such a range of mutations, the range of symptoms are not going to be small or predictable, IMO.


Offline Natalia

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Re: New here
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2007, 02:06:24 PM »
Manal, thanks for further explanation, very clear to me now. 

Andy, I dont really remember about my Hb level before pregnancy, while doc found my Hb was 7 on pregnancy, he gave iron supplement without checking first why my Hb was 7, then checked again a month after, it was still 7, then he sent me to lab to check the blood further.  Result found that red blood cells were microcytic, anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, polikromasia (+), target cells (+).
But i do remember i easily got tired since i was teenager, sometimes my breath were short, and when got too tired or sleepless then i felt palpitation.  Heart beating so hard, and head aching severely.

I am going to Singapore this end of month, to have complete medical check up.  Will come back to you guys, to let you know the resut.

Thanks so much, now i know what i should discuss with doctors.  You all have been very helpful. Thank you.


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