Hi everyone,
The reason I like this web-site is because we all seems to accept each other and support each other with good intention.
from time to time we agree to disagree like any disfunctional family,
Lets bygone be bygone,focus our eneygy on the most important issues here, its our children and our health,and the bond of friendship.
Please lets not waste our precious time on petty things .
We are family and the love for one another is our motto.
" What do we live for if its not to make life less difficult to each other."by
George EliotKhalifa you are a wonderfull father and you bring good humour to this web-family and you are appreciated , :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug
Canadian_Family your are entittled to your opinions ,and you are also part of this family
Two wrong doesnt make a right, :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug
I wish that no-one leaves ,remember our strength lies in us being a group we are interdepandant,
I love you all and I enjoy and look forward to read from every singly one of you

Ps Daneille I too love the smileys thank-you,