Stem cells found in amniotic fluid

  • 1 Replies

Offline Christine Mary

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  • Gender: Female
  • Mother of Lauryn, who has Thal Major
Stem cells found in amniotic fluid
« on: January 10, 2007, 06:00:07 PM »
Hi to all  :hugfriend

Has anyone heard of this new "breakthrough" in stem cell research,where scientists found stem cells in amniotic fluid?

Does this finding pertain to thals? Are we any closer (on a moral standpoint and also as politics are concerned) to curing thals?

I know there is a lot more to be done, but if this will help us in the future, I'll start getting excited now!!  :happydance

Lauryn's Mom

Re: Stem cells found in amniotic fluid
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2007, 12:24:15 AM »
Stem cell are found abundant in Amniotic fluid and cord blood. These young cells are a great source for transplant. There is a substantial research in this respect. In fact I know a family who will be having a BMT of their son soon, stem cell derived fom cord blood.



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