Lauryn Update

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Offline Christine Mary

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Lauryn Update
« on: January 16, 2007, 03:10:46 PM »
Hi everyone,

Lauryn went to her hemo yesterday. Her hgb dropped a bit (from  9.4-9.1 in a month) and her spleen is a little enlarged.
Her retic count went down and so did all of her other counts...
(I don't know what this means,but the md says it is great )?
Her flow murmur is still faint,which is also good. He sees a little yellow in her eyes, but I sware to you I don't see it. They are as white as ever.(Believe me, I check constantly!)
Shes only gained an ounce,but he says it is because she is more active. This kid hardly sleeps!!! I think you can relate when I say that is a good thing with thals! LOL. A lot of parents express their sympathy, but I tell them that is GOOD NEWS!!!!  :biggrin
Over all it was a great visit, and the Dr. is very pleased with her health overall.
He still imagines she will be between 8-12 months before her first transfusion.
I asked about exjade and he says it is showing promise (besides the rash) and we will prob. start her on that first before desferal.
I also asked about gene therapy and he says its all about being "politically accepted" and hopefully there will be breakthroughs in the near future.
I was telling him all we need to do is get a democrat in office,blah blah blah  :blah , Get Bush out etc... and the room went silent.
I have a feeling he might be a republican.  :rotfl
We do'nt have to go back for another month.
Even though her hgb dropped a bit,theres nothing to say it wont fluctuate back up next time. Lauryn never ceases to amaze us.
I hope all is well with you guys!!!  :bighug :heartred :cloud9 :heartpink :stars :grouphug

Lauryn's Mom


Offline Manal

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Re: Lauryn Update
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2007, 03:44:39 PM »
Great news Christine. Hope she continues to be great.  :stars

Concerning the ret. count ...., this shows how the bone marrow is working, so the lower the better because it means that it is not overworking and therefore increasing in volume and putting preasure on the bones. So that is great

Manal :high5


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Re: Lauryn Update
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2007, 04:15:15 PM »
Hi Christine,

Glad to know that Lauryn is doing good!

Best wishes! :thumbsup

:hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend for Lauryn

Take care, Peace!
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Offline Courtenay1826

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Re: Lauryn Update
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2007, 07:06:33 PM »
Yeah, alright Lauryn!!


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