Hi Manal,
I have cold legs and feet, too. I also have cold hands and nose. It doesn't help right now that we have below zero wind-chill weather! I am always rubbing my hands together and running them under hot water. I sometimes put a heating pad over my legs and feet, take a hot shower, and drink hot tea. It is annoying, isn't it? Mine, like yours, will get cold right away again after they get warm, if I turn off the heating pad, or take them out from under a blanket. Sometimes they get really, ice cold. So, I sympathize with you, dear, Manal. I need to move to a warmer climate in the winter - in my dreams!

Thanks for the info., Andy. Luckily with my job, I get to walk around school every half hour to pick up a new group of kids. This keeps my circulation going somewhat. I'd like to start swimming again, but I am so unbelievably tired after work that it is difficult.

Take care both of you, Jean