Hi there Debbie!!
First of all, the best thing in my opinion to do is...don't freak out. Like some members have said, this is not a freak out diagnosis...but a diagnosis of patient waiting and watching and waiting some more.
Like Andy said, during my pregnancies, I had alarmingly low iron, b12, and hemoglobin/hematocrit levels. They call this a severe hemolytic anemia episode, which usually happens to intermedias/majors, but can happen in minors under stress (severe illness, pregnancy, etc.) With my most recent pregnancy, my episode was so bad I was hospitalized for 10 days and recieved three transfusions. My spleen enlarged to 18 cm, which will be removed this coming monday. My son is now 11 weeks.
I am categorized as minor only because I have one defective gene from my mother. My father has another Hb gene mutation, which might explain my severe form of symptoms, however I do know of several minors with symptoms like mine. I have recently found out that my daughter Karol has been diagnosed as minima, only because she has yet to show symptoms. I hope it stays that way!
I have been told by my hematologist to take a special vitamin called Repliva that they're marketing to thals with low iron levels. It has CHELATED iron, a form that will not build up in an injurous way in your organ and bone tissues, and a LOT of B12. I FEEL WONDERFUL! I have to take tea with any meals with red meat, because of the very high levels of iron. Your daughter could also drink milk with her red meat...Your body will readily take the iron from the more easily digestible milk, and discard the red meat iron, which is really hard to break down. You might notice that your daughter has trouble breaking down red meats and heavy greens like rappini, broccoli, and spinach. My body just doesn't bother to digest these...and it makes for painful indigestion. Too bad I love them

Your daughter may experience a lower immune system - I was ALWAYS sick as a child. I've always been very fatigued...And I have severe allergy to latex, which my doctor says is prevalent in thals, along with asthma. I don't know why the latex allergy comes into play, but the asthma is explained by our low oxygenization of our bodies from our fault red blood cells.
Ok, I could go on forever...And you're probably asleep by now...But if you have any more questions about my experience, ask in reply or PM me.

Much Love -