I'm home from the hospital.

I am none too happy about it. I had charge nurses and nursing students who knew nothing about thalassemia taking care of me. I felt very dizzy and light headed today - blood pressure and temp was fine, but Hb and hematocrit were LOW...I asked for another CBC and for them to call my hematologist Dr. Roman with the results - they refused! Said it wasn't worth it to do anything. Excuse me? I feel like I'm ready to pass out, I need blood, and you tell me I'm not worth it?

So here I am at home. Dr. Kumar released me cause the nurses wanted me out of there so they could take care of more "serious" patients. He's pretty pissed, too.
I'm making a complaint to the hospital as soon as I'm ready enough. The surgery and surgical team was AWESOME!! The recovery team was AWFUL.
All in all, I am doing okay. Dr. Kumar ended up making the umbilical incision 1.5 inches bigger to accomodate the spleen removal. I am on Vicodin for pain, so pardon any typos I've missed. Love ya guys.