Hello Everyone .
I've been following Courtney's case with great interest and at times get discourage on her part ,still I'm glad she finally seems to have received some of the care she required, as painstaking as it may, we all need hope and better health care, in order to survive this revolving kind of survival.
I applaud her mother for her courage and determination concerning Courtney's care and support .Thank-you for taking the time to post for us, to know her progress.

I wish Courtney all the best and a speedy recovery.

As for myself, I now have matured onset diabetes and I'm getting difficulty tolerating the Metformin (medication) . I'm still visiting the doctor as often as I change my clothes (so to speak) and still disappointed with not getting result.
I seems to be getting a lot more chest pain ,and basicaly tired all the time.
I'm lost some where in between going to doctors,pain and confussion.
despite of it all I still make a point of waking up everyday and read the post,because It keep me inform and its like having visitors .
Thank-you all for making this site what is it .I'm lucky to access it.
(P.s) My special thanks to
Jean and Manal for their support.

My gratitude and apreciation to you all.