Scroll Bars in some Avatars?

  • 2 Replies

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Scroll Bars in some Avatars?
« on: February 18, 2007, 10:29:54 AM »
Hi there,

I am seeing scroll bars in some of the member's Avatars! I know this is not important, but it seems kinda strange and does not look pretty.

Is anyone else experiencing this or is there something wrong with my software (configuration)?

I'm using Internet Explorer 7 with a 800 X 600 resolution.

Take care, Peace!
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Offline Danielle

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Re: Scroll Bars in some Avatars?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2007, 12:45:54 AM »
Sajid, the reason for this is because we only allow a certain size for avatars, so the scroll bars allow for people to upload pics bigger than the allowed size, without distorting the forum.  If the scrollbars weren't there, and members uploaded big pics, then the forum structure would shift over to the right. :)


Offline §ãJ¡Ð ساجد

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Re: Scroll Bars in some Avatars?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2007, 07:05:59 AM »

Thanks for explaining it. I just wish that there was something that would re-size the big images to the proper size; just like the images that get re-sized in the posts.

Anyway thanks for saving me the headache of re installing everything from scratch. I really thought that my PC is getting crazy.

Take care, Peace!
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