Arghhhhh this is such a sore spot for me lately.
What's your ferritin levels? ..............Well up until I had my son my ferritin levels had been kept at below 500 (I had him aged 25) . After I gave birth (which was 12 yrs ago) my ferritin levels were around the 1000 to 1500.
Two years ago I suffered from glandular fever and my ferritin levels went to around the 3000 and then started coming down.
In this two year time frame I have neglected myself due to me looking after my very ill husband and my ferritin levels went to 4000 and on the increase. I went to my doctor requesting I go on L1. I have started L1 combination therapy with Desferal and I have not mastered the desferal part yet. One would think that after doing desferal for the past 20 yrs you would have this down pat. However I can't quit get the a grip on things and my ferritin levels have gone up to 7000 since starting L1. ( i have been told this will come down but I must also use desferal to aid this)
I confess I hate doing desferal and for me being bought up as a very compliant patient it bothers me to see me not compling the way I should and after helping many patients overseas and saying how we must all complly.
I hope I snap out of this pit I have fallen into and get out of it and kick some butt with lowering my ferrint levels. I have a very caring family and also work collegues that remind me "Have you put your pump on ?"

(thanks for your support - you know who you are)