Hi Gina,
If Exjade does cause you problems which force you back to desferal, you may be able to get Ferriprox through a compassion program. I know several people in the US who have been able to do that. Eileen at CAF may be able to help direct you if this does happen. You might also want to register with CAF. Hopefully, Exjade will do the trick and get your iron down. If at all possible, it would also be highly recommended if you could be seen at one of the Comprehensive Centers of Excellence in the US on an annual basis. They do a great job managing treatment programs and improving the quality of life of those with thalassemia.
Cooley's Anemia Foundation
330 Seventh Avenue, #900
New York, NY 10001
Fax: 212-279-5999
Patient Services Manager
Eileen Scott