Greetings to all,
Well I have come with an update on my ferritin levels. Since writting to you in my last post dated 31st August 2006. My ferritin levels went up to 8200 around there and now with my latest reading I have managed to get them down too 4200 Yihaaaaaaaaa

Still, I have some work to do to get them way back down to under 1000 but I'm proud of myself getting them down to this. I think we all should be proud of ourselves for trying to maintain low levels. It's hard generally speaking to maintain a job, family and our social side of things and to be able to maintain the health reagime that is required for patients with a chronic illness I think we should all give ourselves a pat on the back for doing so well.
Also some other excitting news that I am starting Exjade this week. (stopping L1 and Desferal) A dream come true after doing my pump for the past 29 yrs ......I hope ALL patients around the world get their dream come true soon.
Love Miaki
ps: @ jzd24 you had asked me if i suffered any shortness of breath, palpatations and fatigue. I had noticed I was short of breath when I would start walking but once I got my breathing into a pattern I was ok. I never really had palpatation the odd one or two maybe once a year and fatigue yes I did but only more so after I suffered with glandular fever back in 2004. However at times I did feel over tired but again I put it down to working, looking after a family and doing the usual thing a parent does. Also I noticed it more 2 days prior to my blood transfusion.
I was advised by my cardiologist to do a sleep study which I have done so. Waiting on results for this. Also he put me on lasixs once a day to get rid of some of the excess fluid I retain at times. Apart from that all is doing well.
Hope this helps.