Hi Sajid,
I sincerely hope that everything will be okay for u ,inshallah,you haven't started defriprone yet?are ur blood counts really low?and about ferinill,please inform me about the cost,is kelfer available there in rawalpindi?zainab is using ferriprox+desferal,,her iron went up to 1800 last time checked 2 months ago as ferriprox was not available here,but now we are working on it and i am praying to get a -1000 when she goes for transfusion in the end of this month,i was reading ferritin levels here,,oh my,people are inspiration here,with as low iron as 157

,and Sajid u've always inspired me with ur positive approach,please keep lowering your ferritin level, and i f u need, i'll b happy to send you kelfer from here, as it's quite inexpensive,( rs 500 i think,don't know about ferinill though)any ways take care and keep pumping.