What's your ferritin level?

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Re: What's your ferritin level?
« Reply #60 on: April 14, 2007, 10:52:10 AM »
Dear Sajid

Have you checked the functions of the liver? i once read that when the liver malfunctions, this causes the blood counts to fall



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Re: What's your ferritin level?
« Reply #61 on: April 22, 2007, 05:51:41 AM »
hi every 1
my s.f level is 10091 :wah


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Re: What's your ferritin level?
« Reply #62 on: April 22, 2007, 07:06:08 AM »
Hi Aneela,

Those figures are definitely high if you didn't put an extra zero by mistake.

I'd really recommend you get it lowered lest it does serious damage to your organs like my spleen and liver are.

As a result my Platelet, WBC counts have decreased and ALT increased disqualifying me for the oral pills (Kelfer)

I hope that your PLT, WBC and ALT are normal so that you can use combination therapy to lower that S.F.

Praying all the best for you. :pray

Take care, Allah Hafiz!
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Re: What's your ferritin level?
« Reply #63 on: May 22, 2007, 08:28:23 AM »
Hi for everybody from Spain.

My ferritin level is between 200-300.

I use desferal with pump.


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Re: What's your ferritin level?
« Reply #64 on: May 23, 2007, 08:34:24 PM »
Hi guys,

my feritin level is around 1700  ??? :( :( :(

I've had an mri 7 years ago which showded that i had a lot of iron on my liver and a little on my heart.  Lately i've been pumping pretty regularly so im hoping to drop it ever more.  This website has really given me motivation and courage.

Thank to everyone  :love :love :love :love :love :hug :hug :happydance :grouphug :grouphug

Re: What's your ferritin level?
« Reply #65 on: June 28, 2007, 05:13:39 PM »
Unfortunately my level is 2600. I wish i could be at 500 wow that's pretty good. Does anyone know of a diet i can follow to reduce or delete my iron intake?

Re: What's your ferritin level?
« Reply #66 on: June 29, 2007, 03:48:04 AM »
Unfortunately mine is 2600 right now. Must be due to all those cheeseburgers:). I just started taking exjade about 2 months ago and instead of going down it went up. It was 2400 before exjade. No more red meat for me!!!


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Re: What's your ferritin level?
« Reply #67 on: November 26, 2007, 06:08:40 PM »
3,0 g Desferal... 7 day/week ... in 10 hours with  my pump...

Its amazing that you can do it 7x a week. Doesnt the site hurt? Where do you rotate the sites? I only do it on my tummy and at my most obedient phase, I did it 6x a week for 2 weeks and I had to stop for a while because my whole tummy hurts. Seen people doing it on arm but.... I cant bring myself to do it there...


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Re: What's your ferritin level?
« Reply #68 on: November 26, 2007, 06:11:27 PM »
Unfortunately my level is 2600. I wish i could be at 500 wow that's pretty good. Does anyone know of a diet i can follow to reduce or delete my iron intake?

Hi Miltswifey

If you are doing your transfusion regularly and your HB isn't too low, then your intake of dietary iron should be the least of your concern actually. Body doesn't absorb much iron through food if you are well transfused.


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Re: What's your ferritin level?
« Reply #69 on: November 27, 2007, 04:35:39 AM »
Well my ferritin went down to a low 152 and that is only with L1 (deferiprone)

Now at the moment its sitting at the 300 something mark...

I havent used my pump in over a year or so...Not much liver iron either nor any in my heart..I have been using my pump previously for 29 yrs...



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Re: What's your ferritin level?
« Reply #70 on: November 27, 2007, 08:15:32 AM »
Well my ferritin went down to a low 152 and that is only with L1 (deferiprone)

Now at the moment its sitting at the 300 something mark...

I havent used my pump in over a year or so...Not much liver iron either nor any in my heart..I have been using my pump previously for 29 yrs...

OK, I am soooo jealous... 
But :yay for you. =D


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Re: What's your ferritin level?
« Reply #71 on: November 27, 2007, 11:13:05 PM »



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Re: What's your ferritin level?
« Reply #72 on: November 28, 2007, 09:28:06 AM »
i choose thighs over wings!
meaning, my injection site has been in my upper leg atleast a foot above my knee and up.
i stopped the stomach bit when i was probably 11 or so..wanted to start working on them abs early
uh..as for pains..jumping in a steaming shower really helps, i mean..just like..stand there for 2 hours.
(sorry al gore)
or..just compress..meaning, dip a towel in hot water and place it on your injection site...it really helps..
i've never placed it in my arms either Eponine..i flail around too much
plus it'll go in muscle..eeee
i kinda have a cool method for putting in the pump too..and it NEVER hurts! NEVER!  and i never get bumps or redness or itching or nothing! NOTHIN'!

so here goes.......
*1st things first..i rotate wings..i mean thighs sorry..so one leg one night and one the other night..
(oh..p.s-i do the pump 7 days a week)
*then i kinda feel around for sore spots..u know..spots that u know are still tryin to be healed from a previous needle encounter..so i steer clear from 'em..dont go close to those..i try and stay away atleast 2 1/2 inches away from those sites. but in general..i try and feel for 'fleshy areas'..areas that kinda bounce or feel soft when you touch it..as opposed to being kinda stiff when you touch it.  dont worry..you'll find fleshy areas.
*then..after your detective work..kind of grab that chunk of your body (sorry..no other way to put it)..BUT not TOO hard, like dont crucially pinch it or anything, just kinda slightly squeeze it just so it kinda makes a little hill. (i say this is a crucial part of injecting yourself, because the harder you pinch it, the more your body will get irritated and the needle going in will hurt, so ya gotta be gentle :)  )
*then, with the needle, i just slightly touch the end point of the needle to my skin..i dont even try to penetrate it through my skin or anything.not just yet...i DEFINETLY dont just pop it in there (like you know..1, 2, 3 POP!)...nooo...i think thats a big thing of what causes the massive bumps and pains. BUT,,at this point, if i feel it stinging ALOT, i know that thats a clear indication that the site is irritated..and there is no questions asked..i'm gonna look for another site at that moment..that site is forgotten till another time. 
*then, once i've found a good site that doesnt hurt when i press the needle to my skin..then i know its gonna be an easy one.  so then when site found, and with needle on skin, i kinda wiggle it a little,..and it'll go through anyway because the needle is so small anyway that its NOT gonna take that much work.
*once halfway in, i STILL dont just shuve the needle in there, (and i dont know what kinda needles are out there ..but i'm generally used to seeing needles that have two/one grips on the top..you know kinda like 'butterfly' or something..even when i didnt have the butterfly and i had the round dot looking one with the sticky on the bottom, i could still do this next step)
so..i then, wiggle the two grips around to eachother, ok..lets see if i can paint a clearer picture of this..i grab the butterfly wingies or whatever and i squeeze them together slightly and kinda move them up and down eachother to create a friction between them...this causes the needle to wiggle its way down the skin tissue while YOU still maintaing a certain CONTROL of whats going on IN your skin...meaning, the needle kinda adapts to the skin and the skin adapts to the needle in this process..therefore, the skin gives way, and the needle then goes in very smoothly without any pain.the needle's basically like, really happy with you, cuz you know, the needle is like spoiled and stuff. :bored
*then, i just kinda rest my hand ontop of the needle, when it's in the site, and with my OTHER HAND i go ahead and place that ontop of my hand thats on the needle and then, i push that hand down with the hand ontop of it.  so basically, i push down the hand thats on the needle.  but do this with palms open! so it will be gentle.  the key is gentleness! now you may ask..WHY should i push my hand down with my other hand?..well, if you push down with just one hand it'll be more force cuz you'll have to work harder, but with both hands, it kinda gives this balance to your whole body and makes the force more gentle, controled, and less shakey. the needle thats in there doesnt wanna get scared now, it'll be like..what the heck is going on up there! and it'll start freaking out and doing all types of crazy shenanigans! one of my needles got like real mad cuz i used one hand one time, and like, threw a keg party. wasnt fun.  anway so yeah..push down gently..this also gives the skin and the needle in it, heat, and also is the extra assurance that ur needle is in there safe and sound and comfortable. :)



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Re: What's your ferritin level?
« Reply #73 on: November 28, 2007, 11:41:04 AM »
Hey Red,

Thanx for sharing, you stated all this in a funny kind of way  :biggrin



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Re: What's your ferritin level?
« Reply #74 on: November 28, 2007, 04:12:59 PM »
haha yeah! Would be great if you could do a video on it.. hee had to like imagine so hard to visualise your words.

Thanks for the help... and the really funny explanations. Still apprehensive about doing other areas other than tummy... sigh...


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