Hi there!
My name is Courtenay, and I have thal minor with a lot of complications. I'm 23, and just had my spleen removed because it was so big. Its really unusual that a thal minor would have high bilirubin. Is it possible that she may have beta-thal-zero or possibly be a thal intermedia? There could also be other Hb gene mutations coming into play.
Like Andy said, you should get the necessary tests done and make sure you get copies of them for yourself when the results come in. It is very rare that a thal minor could have these complications, and its usually evident when iron-deficiency anemia is paired with it, or a more in depth diagnosis. IMHO, I would definitely take your daughter to a hematologist. They will know all the right tests and will be able to explain what all the results mean. If your daughter is thal minor with an iron deficiency, it might be causing a lot of her infections. I was very sick as a child as well. Being low in iron is not good for the body, and being low in hemoglobin and hematocrit does not allow the body to heal as it should because the oxygen in her body is not reaching her organs at 100%, because some of the Beta globins on her RBC are mutated and not working efficiently. Am I making any sense?

Also, I would get yourself and your partner tested for thal. If you both carry the trait, your daugher might be an intermedia.
In conclusion...I think a trip to the hematologist will help supremely in answering a lot of your questions and getting your daughter the proper care and diagnoses she needs. Good luck, and please keep us updated. It makes me so sad to hear of such a little girl with an enlarged spleen and liver! That can be painful...poor baby.