A follow up to this post since I have done two tests since. When I made this post, my thyroid came back as 2.7. My t3/t4 has always been normal. The upper limit is now 3.0. Since then, many of my symptoms have become worse and are slightly different than my usual thalassemia low hemoglobin and iron deficiency. I tested this week at 3.5 and have subclinical hypothyroidism. For some people, they may feel ok at that, but for me the fatigue has been increasingly worse, my eyes are puffy in the morning, I developed a yeast rash on my face, my skin is very dry and I have lost some hair. My hemoglobin is 10.3 and ferritin is 45. My hemoglobin is within my 'normal' range of sucky-ness. If I don't take my iron syrup, I lose 10ng of ferritin per three months. I don't know if I will go on thyroid medication yet. I have some other hormonal issues to deal with as well and I need to do one thing at a time.
Many would label me a hypochondriac, but what I like to do is make a very informed decision about my health by knowing the details and experimenting as well as establishing evidence and patterns. Doctors do the same and they barely know us. They try their best, but a truly informed patient helps them out and can help themselves.
Chronic problems needs 'patterns' established. I was lucky that my hematologist gave me the benefit of the doubt and tested me monthly for a year and now every three months for another year to help me and her know what is 'normal' for me. My hemoglobin will never be 11.5 or 12.5 as the normal minimum for females my age is. But I have to know what is the best I can do. And apparently it is 11, but only with 5 times per week of steak.

And with great effort my ferritin can be 62. Now I know these patterns, so when new problems come about I can separate the anemia from other issues a little bit. If I didn't have anemia, maybe I wouldn't notice the thyroid problems yet. But I do and I have.
Good luck to all you out there.