Iron Chelation Inquiries ...

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Offline Zai

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Iron Chelation Inquiries ...
« on: March 07, 2007, 06:36:21 AM »

I just wanna know if Exjade is as effective as DEsferal?
If I start Iron chelation therapy and able to lower my SF, how long will it stay in a low level? How many times will I have to undergo iron chelation in my lifetime?
Is IP-6 really effective in loering iron levels? If I take IP-6,  do I have to take Exjade or desferal?
sorry, got lots of questions... :biggrin
Hope to hear from you. Thanks a lot!



Offline Lyanne

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Re: Iron Chelation Inquiries ...
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2007, 07:54:40 AM »
 :hithere Desferal is enough to lower your iron and Ip-6 is just a supplement that could aid in lowering your iron level in the body, the longer you use desferal the better, that's why start now if you want it to take afffect asap, and in my opinion Desferal [/color]  :nurse is the best chelating agent!!!! and best used if you have a pump, but it's also good if it's via IV.  :grin and as for your next question, as long as you have high serrum ferritin you should chelate, hope this would help you a lot.
LYANNE :yahoo


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Iron Chelation Inquiries ...
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2007, 05:56:35 AM »
Hi Zai,

Exjade hasn't been in use long enough to know if it works as well as desferal over a period of time.

I would like to know if you have transfused regularly at anytime in your life, and how low has your hemoglobin level been over the years.

How long you will need to chelate will depend on the iron concentrations in your organs. Depending on how high your hemoglobin level is, it is also possible that your iron levels could be lowered by blood-letting (phlebotomy). Sometimes this is preferable to using drugs to lower your iron, but it depends on your hemoglobin level and if you are able to give blood regularly without adding significantly to your anemia. A doctor should be able to tell you which option makes more sense for you. If chelation is decided on for sure, desferal might be the best option for you. As long you don't transfuse, your iron levels won't climb back as long since you are no longer taking iron. Meanwhile, a low iron diet and tea with your meals to help prevent iron absorption, can also be of help.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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