This is exactly why I get an echocardiogram and EKG done every year. I actually had a severe problem, that I was told had nothing to do with iron-overload, that caused my heart rate to jump to 240 beats per minute (bpm), even while I was just sitting down doing nothing. It was called Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT). My heart would race so fast that I wouldn't be able to breathe.
The doctors told me that at 250+ bpm, I could have cardiac arrest, so something had to be done. I was given the option to be put on medication, or to have a
cardiac ablation done.
I didn't want to be on medication, because it was going to cause me to be very lethargic, and I deal with that enough already having Thal. So, I opted to have the cardiac ablation done. I had it done in August 2001, and it worked like a charm. I suffered with those fast heartbeats for over a year, because since the episodes came without me knowing in advance, they could never be caught on a holter monitor. I was finally able to catch them on this little device, that the cardiologists had me carry with me. It looked like a credit card, but when you have a heart episode, you place it up to your chest and you push the button so it will record it. Then, you can call the doctor's office, and tell them you got it on the card, and then you place the card up to the phone and push the button, and the machine that they have at the office will copy the whole thing. How awesome is that? If it wasn't for that card, they would've never diagnosed me, and I'd probably still be suffering with those horribly fast beats.

I love modern technology.

I'm extremely in favor of having the heart checked at least once a year. I hope you guys are having it done as well.

Thank you for addressing this issue, Andy.

*If you don't know what a cardiac ablation is, just click on the bold link in the second paragraph.

*Also, for information on the Heart Card, you can view it
here. It saved my life, so maybe one day it will be able to save yours, if doctors cannot diagnose you for a specific heart problem.